Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rock Springs Run

Went to Wekiwa Springs State Park after a half day at work to kayak the Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run. I'll work my mandatory monthly Saturday morning later this week.  Doing it the first week of the month, to get as much daylight as possible.  Come January, I'll schedule my self for the last Saturday of the month.

My launch was delayed a bit. Had to replace my expired Florida State Parks Annual Pass. It is good until the last day of the month purchased.  So, get it on the 1st, you get 13 months.  New Year's Day 2012, I'll replace this one. $63.90.  13 months for ten bucks less then one day at Disney World.

A lot of the hydrilla in the lagoon has been removed, the barrier is now on the left side as you launch. I was on my way just after 2.  All the birds above were in the lagoon. I had thought I did not get a good pic of a green heron.  I did not notice the one with the tri colored heron in the opening photo until I downloaded the days pics.  Sometimes, the best shots are unexpected.

One canoer on the Wekiva as I paddled down stream to Rock Springs Run.

No one was on Rock Springs Run.


This hawk started out on one branch
Then flew to another.

Have not seen woodstorks on the Run for a while. They tend to visit when it gets cooler. Which happened today. Rain in the morning as a front moved through. Clear blue skies as I kayaked. Put a windbreaker in the hold.

Turned around at Big Buck, at 3:40.

Well hidden deer.  The second one was so well covered, it can't be seen. Also spotted a big otter. Heard it first, on the bank. So noisy moving through the greenery I thought I was coming up on another deer. It got off the bank, into the Run, and swam away.

The three pics above are in the tree lined section between the two open parts of Rock Springs Run.  The first open area seemed opener than usual.  Had that many leaves fallen since my last visit, November 10?  Then I remembered.  The weed control airboat was on the Run my last visit. 

Two of a gathering of three deer.  Saw a nother deer, a bit downstream.  Six for the afternoon.  Not quite the eight I saw Saturday, eleven if you add the three I saw on the road at No Name Key, but not bad,

Back on the Wekiva, belted kingfisher.

Three canoes on the Wekiva.  Green Wekiva Island rentals. A woman asked if I saw any alligators.  I told her no, too cold.  I had put my jacket on.  Then I thought, if there area any gators to be seen, they will be in the lagoon area, close to the warm spring waters.

It's nice to be right once in a while.  I landed at just before 5:30.

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