Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sanibel Day Two

Sunday, December 12, 2010. Day 2 of 4 days of Sanibel.  As on Saturday, I launched from Wildlife Drive in the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge.  As I type at 12:30 am Weds, I can't recall why I put in here again, probably the wind. Or maybe the marine forecast had a moderate chop or worse, so I did not want to launch from the Causeway  The 4 day mini-vacation is one continuous good time in my mind.  .

So, of course I left the shelter and headed into San Carlos Bay.  Protected a bit by the Wulfert Keys.

Where pelicans roosted.  I told myself I'd paddle into the wind for 30 minutes, or until I saw the bald eagle that I saw last year.

The eagle was about a half hour paddle in the Bay, but I saw some white pelicans in the distance so I continued on until I got pictures.
 Brown pelican, too.

Now, I turned around, past the eagle again.

I don't recall what route I took back to the channel/canal along the drive, but as it was a hour between pictures I must have been in the open lake like areas between San Carlos Bay and the main part of Sanibel Island. Yellow crowned night herons in the channel.

A single spoonbill, and some friends were in my spoonbill spot.  Seen in the opening photo. And below.
To the flats across from the Observation Tower.

And the start of where it narrows again. I did not enter the mangrove tunnel today, but turned back.

Back to the flats.

The south side of Wildlife Drive is off limits.  By kayak, you can only peak through the bridges/flow points to see what is on the other side.

Final pics before landing.

I next went to the Bailey Tract, a non-contiguous section of the Refuge, for a short bike ride.

Back to the Sanibel Arms for lunch.  My sister told me a group was headed to the Sanibel Grill to catch the Packer game.  I decided to take a walk on the beach. But it began to rain, so I headed to the Sanibel Grill.  Where the company, if not the result, was pleasant.  Now, I walked the beach from the Sanibel Arms to Shell Island Beach Club.

Sanibel Arms West, above.   Our unit was not on the Gulf, but at  $595 for the week, we could walk to the beach.

By the time stamps on my photos, 22 minutes from the sand castles at the end of the boardwalk from the Sanibel Arms, to the view of the lighthouse from the boardwalk to Shell Island Beach Club.
Where the hot tub welcomed me.

A small group, ten, had dinner at the Hungry Heron.  I had chowder and broiled shrimp and scallops.  My brother drove me back to my lodgings, thus ending Day 2 on Sanibel Island.

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