Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

One of these weekday mornings I'll get to bed early and wake up early enough to paddle Rock Springs Run before work.  But, it's nice to have Fort Maitland Park less than 2 miles away, so I can sleep in, launch at 9:15, and get in an hour 45 minutes on the water.  The day got off to a good start.  A bald eagle flew overhead as I secured the kayak on the car in the driveway.
Anhinga, female 1


Great blue heron 2

Coot 3
 I saw what probably was the same eagle I saw earlier just as I was entering the canal to Lake Minnehaha

Great egret 4

Warm and windy this Wednesday morning.
Mallard 5

Moorhen 6

Ibis 7 and cormorant

Tri colored heron 8

Pie billed grebe (I think) But the tail sticking up tells me its not.  Since I'm not sure, can't count it.

Osprey 9

Turtles 10

Blue heron, juvenile 11

Snowy egret 12

Wood stork 13

In addition to the eagle, birds seen, but not pictured include the usual wood docks and belted kingfishers.
I am taking this coming Monday off.  Thinking of going somewhere.  Cool weather is forecast, 50s to 60's.  Maybe Cedar Key, perhaps Crystal River, or High Springs, or Pine Island, if  I can find a place at under $100 a night.  Which is unlikely.   Stay tuned.


  1. We stayed at the Quality Inn In Crystal River this past weekend the bill was 87.00, they have a free breakfast.

  2. Thank you Lori, but if I go to Crystal River, and I'm leaning in that direction, I'll stay where I stayed in November. Kings Bay Lodge. $70, small kitchen, spring fed pool.
    I trust you found a place to launch.


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