Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rock Springs Run

Took the new used kayak to Wekiwa Springs State Park and Rock Springs Run today, Sunday, February 6, 2011. On the way in, I reached for my wallet, to show the attendant.  "Don't worry, I know you"  And it wasn't even one of the workers who usualy is at the entrance. Its good to be recognized.  Practical too.  If anyone would ever try to break into my car, and a ranger came by, chances are he/she would know htat person was up to no good
  I may have written yesterday that I bought a second kayak to have one for visitors.  That is true, but I also bought it because the Voyager is better for Rock Springs Run and other narrow, twisty waterways than the Tsunami. A foot shorter and turns easy.  On the other hand,  it quicky goes off course when you stop paddling.  But I knew that.  I hoped that the shorter length would also let me wheel it down the wood ramp at Wekiwa Springs State Park without having to lift it at the intersection with the sidewalk.   Not quite.

Cool, I'd guess high 50's.  Overcast with occasional drizzle.  Perfect.  Keeps people at home.

The kayak handled the turns with ease. I only had to back paddle a couple of times. On the other hand, I need to use a different water bottle when paddling the Voyager up stream. I have a metal thermos that I pick up, push a button for the top to pop up, and drink. A bike bottle, lift, put in mouth, pull out stopper with teeth, will eliminate one step.

I paddled just past the second open area past Big Buck, turning back at 10:45.   Below is what I call the "open area"

I took a break at the Big Buck campsite.  All 3 campsites on the Run were empty.

Ate an apple, walked a bit, then got back in the kayak.

I did not see any deer today.

Three often hard to catch animals in the next set. Belted kingfisher, otter, plieated woodpecker.

In four hours, I saw one other paddler.

Not a day to for gators, with the cool and overcast conditions, but I did spot one small one in the warm waters near the launch and the springs.

I had hoped to pick up a J cradle to better carry two kayaks.  But, the shop I went to was out.  I may just go with tying both flat on the bars.  If it was good enough for the family canoe.....

Time for the coin toss


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