Saturday, February 26, 2011

Silver River

Coffee in hand, camera and whistle around his neck, John H. is ready for Dave to show him another kayak adventure.

An hour 15 later, in the boat basin at Ray's Wayside Park, headed to the Silver River.  Before we began, a pontoon boat owner asked if I wanted to buy a paddle for $15.  "Fish  it out of the River?" I inquired.  "Yes".  John said we pay 10.  He held at 15. I took it.  Heavy, but you can never have too many paddles.

I told John we'd see monkeys, alligators, and easily more birds than at Juniper Creek. Not hard to do the latter.

We saw monkeys on the left bank, two boats were there.  John said we should keep going.  I have him trained well in Yak Dave crowd avoidance.  We paddled on, before taking a break at one of the few places to do so.

Alligators began making their appearance.

And more monkeys, with no other primates in the area.

7-10 monkeys in the troop.

We resumed our up River paddle, taking pictures all the way.

We made a second stop at the Silver River State Park landing. 

Two smiling critters.

We got to a crowded head springs, theme park area around 12:30.  I think every glass bottom tour boat was on the water.

More monkeys.

On both sides of the River.

I couldn't convince John to paddle past the canal leading to the launch so he could say he paddled the entire Silver River.  I think he could have done it. Heck, he could still lift his arms.
We landed at 2:50, loaded the yaks, and headed to Silver Glen Springs.

I only got 4 pictures before my battery died.  New battery installed, I took a quick walk on the Springs Boils Trail.

To my disappointment, the Silver Glen Springs Recreation Area closed at 5:30.  We were charged only half the $5.50 admission. And, the 5:30 closing allowed us to get back to our cottage on Little Lake Kerr.

In time for sunset.

No cloud bank this evening.

And, it was gone.

Still enough light to get flash photos along the lake shore.

After using the cottage's kitchen Friday, we looked for a place to go Saturday.  Not many choices in the Forest.  The neighbors said they had plenty of spaghetti.  We declined their generosity, and went to Bass Champions.   Heaping helpings.  John had gator tail for the first time.   The appetizer and soup could make a meal.   I had scallops and shrimp, with fried okra, french bread, and cole slaw.   And half the gator tale. Umm, um.

1 comment:

  1. What a coincidence!!!! I had planned to go to Silver River last Saturday but wifey wanted to go to Haulover Canal. The marine forecast had light chop at the canal and smooth waters north of there so we went to Canaveral Seahshore.Bad move...I am still sore from battling the wind but saw many dolphins.


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