Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mosquito Lagoon

Paid a visit to the Canaveral National Seashore Sunday, May 22, 2011, to kayak the Mosquito Lagoon.  Two manatees just off the Lot 7 launch site as I put in about 9:30.  They did not pose for photos.

I paddled north, towards Turtle Mound, my new cap keeping the 90 degree sun off my neck. Than west, across the Lagoon to the entrance of the Shipyard Island Trail. I had a Map with me, and was determined to paddle the entire Trail. It has markers, but in several spots it is confusing, at least for me. It had been quite a while since I had paddled the entire Trail. I should have taken more pics of fiddler crabs.

They were on the banks the entire 90 minutes I spent on the Trail.  Not a lot of other wildlife.  It's summer, animals know better than to be out in the sun.

The canals that criss cross the island were dug for mosquito control.

Volunteers restoring an oyster reef.  I gave a hearty thank you.
This pathway, at the base of Turtle Mound is new. Or rather the ropes ares.  So folks going to fish off the sandbar at low tide aren't tempted to go up the Mound or into the water.
Access to the top is via a boardwalk.

Bird's eye view of the Atlantic.

Maybe it because I live in flat Florida, but given the opportunity to climb, shell mound, light house, canopy walkway tower, I'm doing it.  Back at sea level, I saw the first dolphin of the day as I had an orange at a picnic table.  The opening photo of the Tale is from this break.

Encountered a small pod of dolphins as I paddled towards Eldora. Including an old friend, "Finny". The dolphin which the spit dorsal fin I first saw in 2003.

Eldora. Saw another dolphin near the pier.
I paddled south, past another building, used by UF, I believe, to two small coves where I have seen manatees. None today.

I did see two manatees as I paddled back to the launch. One near the Eldora dock, on near the fishing dock. Neither surfaced long enough for a photo. I landed a little past 2:30. Went for a short bike ride.

Canaveral National Seashore

Return to Lot 7.
A look at the Lagoon for a final dolphin or manatee sighting. Nope.  But, I finally got a few pics of some great southern white butterflies, which were everywhere.

On the way home, I stopped at JB's Fish Camp. It had been a while.  September 2008 if I can believe a Tale search I just did.  Oyster stew, scallop basket, rum and coke.  Inside, at the bar.  I spent enough time outside.

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