Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rock Springs Run

As no deer have been seen on Dave's Yak Tales since February 25, 2011, I had to lead off this Tale with the one deer I saw on Rock Springs Run today, Sunday, May 1, 2011.   I thought of going to Alexander Springs and Creek to give the new camera and underwater case a true test,  but with the price of gas rising by  the minute, I decided to stay close to home. I'd call the oil companies money grubbing whores, but that would be insulting to prostitutes.

Besides, I have replaced most of the stuff from my stolen wallet, except for the most important thing, my Florida State Parks annual pass. I got a replacement on the way into Wekiwa Springs State Park.  Had to pay $15.00.  I guess when the governor is a criminal, victims of crime have to pay.  Enough with the social commentary.  I launched from an already crowded launch beach at 9:20.
This tri colored heron is the only picture from the launch to Rock Springs Run.  On the Run, a limpkin family.

The brown ball of fluff is the chick. I only saw one.  This little fella was two minutes downstream. Perhaps the reason, or his parents, are the reason I saw one chick.
The only alligator of the day. Here, again, the only deer of the day.

The deer was just past Indian Mound campsite. Right side, at a bend.  The first down Run rental canoe of the day went by.  Very friendly sounding as he went by.  But I heard him cursing at his kid before they came into view.   How can people do that. Opps, social commentary.   Before the canoe, a kayak armada. I would not want to paddle Rock Springs Run with more than 2 other boats.  Too narrow.  Big group, paddle the Wekiva. 
My plan was to turn around where the tree canopy once again closes in, up Run from the Big Buck campsite.  As I got near, a family, in two canoes came past me.  Another group further up Run, at my turn around point.  I'll paddle past them, then turn.  But, when I saw one of the group standing in the Run, I made my turn then and there.
When I heard, "Put it on my canoe as a lever to get the water out"  I figured they'd be there for awhile. 11:02 when I turned around.  Slowly made my way downstream.  The family in front of me were moving slowly, and kids, being kids, were loud. Lucky for me, they took a break in a shallow, sandy spot, so I had the Run to myself from there to to the Otter campsite. Not far, but it was Sunday.  A very fine weather Sunday.

It wouldn't be a Rock Springs Run Tale without photos like these.

 Saw the limpkin chick again, unable to get a photo.

Landed at 12:45 at a full Wekiwa Springs State Park. A guy with a yellow kayak on his roof arrived just as I was leaving.  Good timing for him.  Not a good time to me on the water.  Unless you like paddling with 100 people for the first mile.  The parking gods rewarded me, as on the way out, a spot near the Spring was available.  I parked, walked to check out the crowd in the water. Didn't look to terrible. So, I got the camera and snorkel gear.

 Too crowded at the main Spring vent for me.

A nice cool down, and the underwater pics turned out pretty well.  I'll have to take it somewhere next weekend that has more interesting subject matter.


  1. Nice photos...I don't know why but I love underwater photos. I look forward to the more interesting subject matter.

  2. Thank you, Steven. And thanks for putting on the pressure for "more interesting subject matter." ;)


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