Friday, May 6, 2011

Rock Springs Run

A bonus late afternoon early evening paddle today the seis de Mayo, 2011.  My company hit a goal, so we were given a paid hour off to use as we choose. I chose to leave work an hour early to kayak.   Left about 4:20 and was on the water at Wekiwa Springs State Park an hour later.  A tricolored heron and three little alligators across from the launch.  No pics, I guy waded out and they disappeared.

A kayaker at the launch said there was a "big alligator" just down stream. "On a log, left side?" I inquired. "Yes".  Not that big.  I  don't think its the one that usually hangs out on the alligator/turtle log.   I saw another gator on the Wekiva as I leisurely drifted towards Rock Springs Run.  No one was on the water.  The rental concession was closed.

Great egret, ibis

Great blue heron

I figured if I paddled for an hour twenty minutes, then back , I'd return at 8.  Sunset was a few minutes past.  I reached Otter camp at the 1:20 mark.  It was occupied, so I kept going for a few more minutes before turning back.  Did not make it to Indian Mound.

Saw a deer on the way back.  Just before the twisting section in the canopied part of the Run. Eyes saw it. Brain thought, what is that brown thing with big ears?  Other side of brain said, deer, reach for the camera dummy. Deer was faster than brain.
Another missed photo op, here.
5, 6 limpkin chicks following their parents from left bank to the right.

One, papa? stood guard as mama ushered her brood into hiding.  On Sunday, I only saw one chick. Cool to see a real family.

This most be the chick I saw Sunday.

Landed as planned, 8 pm.
Went looking for deer after trudging up the hill and getting the yak on the car.  New camera does pretty good in the 8:30 PM "light".

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