Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rock Springs Run

Today, Tuesday, May 10, 2011, was the day this month I worked half a day.  The other half will be Saturday morning.  I went to Wekiwa Springs State Park and paddled Rock Springs Run.  The fifth time in the kayak in seven days.  I could go tomorrow morning,  I start work at 12:30, but it is past 10 now, the lawn needs cutting, and I need to go through the archelogial site that is my dining room/slash computer table.  So, no kayaking until Saturday afternoon.

Today, I was on the water at 2:00.
A substantial crowd for a Tuesday.  Young, I wonder if local colleges are done for the year.   About twelve paddlers on the Wekiva, half of those in one group.  I encounter another half dozen or so on Rock Springs Run, the last at the end of what I call the first open area.
This limpkin was eight minutes down Rock Springs Run from this next pair.  Absentee father?

A hot day, good to be on a cool, spring fed, waterway.

Just before I left the first unshaded portion of the Run, I heard something on the bank, snapping a twig as is moved, unseen.  Otter.  "Squirrel" said the paddler coming down the Run.  Too big for a squirrel, I thought.  I waited, the shoreline vegetation moved, I still could not see what it was. Then I saw it in the water. Snapping turtle.  A short time later, I did see an otter.

Blue heron.
 Takes off.
 Orphan.  No adults were near this chick.  Wood duck, I think.
 I missed the pic of the male turkey spreading his tail.

The blue heron was my come about point. 4:30. The opening photo is the view up Rock Springs Run.
Hard to see, but there is a green heron on the branch in the phto below. Between the vines.  A red shoulder hawk chased it away.

The little duck was still aone.  I don't think it will last long. Doesn't flee when peole approach, not much chance against predators.

Limpkin searching for a bite.

 Got it.
Two pics of the same blue heron, takej just seconds apart. I must have moved from shadow to sunlight, or vice versa.

A great egret served as my guide.

Almost done, but now, time to go to work.

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