Saturday, June 11, 2011

Milwaukee to Madison

Giraffe at the Henry Vilas Zoo, on Lake Wingra, Madison, Wisconsin, Friday, June 10, 2011. Photo by Steve R.
Cool in my Mom's yard in Milwaukee to begin the day.
I wore two light jackets- the second as it was drizzling.

Lake Park, a jewel of the Milwaukee County Parks.

Lawn bowling

The former pavilion. Now a fancy schmancy restaurant.

As you know from previous years, Henry Law Olmsted designed Lake Park.

Have to ask my sister who has lived in NYC.  Which is better, Lake Park, or Central Park?  And I don't mean the one in Winter Park.
St. Augustine, Florida, has a "Bridge of Lions" It has two. The Lake Park Bridge has six. And a lighthouse.

 Inspiration for the long Wisconsin winter.  I need something for the long Florida summer.
 I turned around at the lighthouse and walked back for a closer look at the waterfall.

The waterfall was being built, or rather, rebuilt during my last visit 22 months ago. It was first built in the 1930's as a WPA project.  I walked the trail down the ravine along the fall.

The trail comes out at the soccer field on the west side of Lincoln Memorial Drive.

 Another view of the Lake Park Pavilion/Bartalota's Restaurant.  When I was a kid, a great place for a hot dog and soda after a round of golf.  I doubt they have hot dogs now.
 Linwood Avenue water treatment plant.
 Clouds and rain turned the street lights on. 
 I don't get to see birch trees in Florida.
UWM Alumni House. That's University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, for you out of staters.
My walk took just under an hour.  Shower, breakfast, a visit with my Mom, and I was off to the airport to pick up Steve R. and head to Madison.
We made a stop at a Cousin's Sub shop on the way.  I haven't had one for 20 plus years. The bread is just how I remember. Crunchy. I had the cheese steak.   Got to Madison, checked in at the Lowell Center.  Part of the UW Extension, it has meeting spaces and rooms.   On site parking at $8 a day was full.  We parked in a free lot 3 blocks away.  In a building that wasn't there when I graduated.  The Fluno Center. First Madison photo.  Lake Mendota from Langdon Street.
Photo taken at 5:08, which would be 4:08 Central. 32 minutes later, photos from a kayak on Lake Wingra.

Steve joined me, instead of playing golf at University Ridge with Mark K. and Skip M. because he recently hurt his back.  I was glad to have someone with me, although I may have gone alone. I gave up golf years ago because I was no good.  One of the many nice things about this group of friends is there is no pressure to follow the crowd.  Besides, I knew we'd all get together later.

We rented kayaks from Wingra Boats, on the north shore of Lake Wingra.  Here's a Map from Capitol Water Trails.  As you can see, Lake Wingra is the smallest of Madison's lakes. But, with the UW Arboretum on the south shore and no wake allowed, its a perfect paddling lake.  We saw a loon as we began paddling.

We stayed to the north shore of the Lake, I wanted to check out Vilas Park.  And anytime I see a bridge, I'm curious to see what's on the other side.

 Geese and goslings, ducks and ducklings.  I wonder if Eric Heiden got his start at the East Lagoon Speed Skating Track.

I think this is a muskrat.  Wider than an otter, and had a narrow tail, not a beaver tail.  A web search reveals Lake Wingra has both beavers and muskrat.  We saw a den near where this muskrat swam.  Both of use thought, beaver den?  But muskrats also build branch homes.   Lake Wingra also has giraffes.

Part of the Henry Vilas Zoo.  I have a vague recollection of biking to it once while I was in college.  We hoped to see more animals, but only the three giraffes were visible.  This is the second time I've seen a giraffe from the yak.  The other was at  Silver Springs.

Back through the stone bridge into Lake Wingra.

 We did not portage around the dam, and paddle Wingra Creek to Lake Monona.  Instead, back to Wingra Park.

 Wish I was better to get a better photo of the loon. Above photo, in case you were wondering. ;) But it dove under and stayed.
We were on the water about a hour 45 minutes. I think it was 18 bucks.

The Fieldhouse

Camp Randall

Old Abe, on the Camp Randall Arch. Built in 1912. 5 years before the stadium.

 Another historical site. The Henry Street crib where Kevin K, Tom M., Steve O, and I lived from 1981 to 1982.  Oly, we missed you.
These steps weren't there when we all were.  Kevin said they were put in a year after we left.  During my four years in college, the only times I were on the lakes, they were frozen. 

Perhaps spent to much time in places like this.

The Plaza. One of my favorite bars in Madison.  I can't say the favorite, as having a roommate, Steve R., working at the Brathuas made that a fav.  But, while the Brathuas has changed a lot, including its name, nothing seems to have changed at the Plaza. Except flat screen TVs and higher prices.  But, in 1982, craft brews had not been invented.  Had two Plaza Burgers, with the famous secret sauce, and fries.

Mark and Skip arrived, after golf, and later, Dave H. We stayed it the Plaza all night.  These last two pics are after midnight.

Dave H and Skip.


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