Sunday, June 19, 2011

San Carlos Bay, Tarpon Bay, Commodore Creek

The view from the room at the LaQuitna Sunday morning was not quite as nice as the one from the Bennett/Cannon condo on Saturday.
Except for the kayaks on my car. Breakfast comes with the room at LaQuinta. Just like the Lowell Center in Madison last week, there were waffle irons on the buffet. Two, as compared to four. And the waffles weren't as large. No fruit, or sausage. Wisconsin is better. But you already knew that. I was the first of the family at breakfast, later Derek and Pat came. Crazy guys ate outside. I spend enough time outdoors that I'll eat in air conditioned comfort. I went to the rooms to say my goodbyes to Eileen, Tyler, Megan and Jack, then headed back towards Sanibel. Not all the way, stopped at the last fill island to launch the kayak into San Carlos Bay.

 Already busy on the spoil island when I launched at 10 am, after getting the last parking spot under a tree.

Paddled west towards Woodrings Point and Tarpon Bay.

To anglers had waded out into the water off Woodring Point.  I paddled outside of them, to have a manatee surface near by.  Unable to get a photo. Also just got one photo of the three dolphins I saw.

 I line of oyster shell/ mangrove islands is in the northern half of Tarpon Bay.  A roost for all kinds of birds and feeding grounds for dolphins.

Saw another manatee as I approached the islands.

 Arrived at Commodore  Creek at 11:50, almost 2 hours after I began.  The trail entrance is a short paddle from the Tarpon Bay Explorers rental concession.  But why pay $7 to launch, when you can spend more time on the water and put in for free from the Causeway?  Either way, you have to pay the bridge toll.

For a Sunday, and Father's Day there weren't too many paddlers on the trail.  Thinking back as I write on Tuesday, no more than eight kayaks.  A bit hot, which may have kept things down. Bird sightings were limited as well.  In addition to the anhinga above, all I saw were a few ibis deep in the mangroves.  Until I came upon this father and son pair.

How do I know these tri colored herons were male?  I don't.  But hey, it was Father's Day.
The trail paddle took 45 minutes.
Back to the rookery.

A nice collection of brown pelicans, great egrets, snowy egrets and blue herons.

When I paddled into Tarpon Bay, there were a few fishing boats, and a tour boat. On the way out, it was empty.

Saw another dolphin just outside the entrance to Tarpon Bay.  San Carlos Bay was busy. I had to pause before crossing a boat channel.  But, the wakes are fun to surf.
Jet skis aimlessly buzzing about.  I took the photo for the causeway.  Driving, I don't realize how much it curves.
Approaching the Yak Dave mobile 2:36 PM.
A nice, short visit to Sanibel.  Hope to be back in December, if not sooner.

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