Saturday, July 2, 2011

No Name Key

  Woke up before 5 am, got the yaks on the car, and a bike, on the road at 6, 2 stops, Holiday traffic jam where the Florida Turnpike merges into US 1 at Florida City, took the Card Sound alternate route.  had to slow to let ta large land crab cross the road, slow traffic back on US 1 launched from the end of Watson Blvd on No Name Key  in the Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge at 1:20 PM.

Three deer at someones mailbox on Big Pine Key.

Another Key deer watched me unload the kayak

The cormorants were to my left as I headed out.  I turned right, knowing if I kept turning right around No Name Key, I would have landmark for the launch site.

.Lots of black necked stilts.

Ibis in flight

 And not.

Snowy egrets kept landing, taking off, repeat. Providing multiple photo opps.

Old Bahia Honda Bridge.
Unlike my November visit, no deer walking across the shallow water. Not as shallow today.

Big Pine Bridge.

No Name Key is not part of the Overseas Highway, US 1.  You have to drive across Big Pine Key, and over a bridge to get there.   By launching from No Name Key, who get views only boaters using a lot of gas see. 

Scary moment.  A big, cloud to water lighting bolt.  Far away, but had me skedaddle to the imaginary protection of the shoreline.  It was the only lightning I saw.

Cormorants commandeered a fishing fleet.

Big Pine-No Name Bridge.

Distant Keys.

 Great white heron.  You know it is not a great egret because the legs are pale, not black.

 Pop quiz. What is the above bird?

If you saw the dark legs and said "great egret" you pass.
 There are few, off the grid homes on No Name Key.  I entered a canal to get out of the wind. Hoping it would have a second opening.  It did not, I had to re paddle my strokes.

Saw a brown shape near shore, paddle closer to investigate.

The deer in the opening photo.
A few minutes later, I noticed a half plastic cup, without a bottom, stuck on a mangrove branch.  I first thought, someone is marking this spot.  Good wildlife viewing?   There was an open expanse of island near the mangroves.  Nah, its just flotsam.  Then three deer ran by, and deeper into the island.

Cormorants and Bahia Honda Bridge, I had circled No Name Key. Landed at 4:25, a three hour tour.

Don't think these flowers will last long.   Deer gotta eat.   I called my sister, to tell her I was on my way. Did not see any deer.  Did see another huge crab crossing Watson Blvd.  I'd never seen that before.  I've only seen a land crab- I mean a big one, once.  On the Castle Windy trail at Canaveral National Seashore.  Today, I saw two on asphalt.  Got to Monica's place in Key West, called brother Andy, to meet us at Mangia Mangia.  Where we could eat and see daughter/niece Elena.   Monica and I biked.

 First chicks I've seen in Key West.  Not a comment on the gay population
The Florida Heritage marker states over 75,000 people are buried in the Key West Cemetery.  Or rather, interred.  Although it is the highest point in Key West, at 19 feet room underground ran out long ago. 

The cemetery has three times the population then Key West today.  A few of the living residents and an out of town guest, me, enjoyed a fine meal.  We were joined by Bill R., his son Josh, and his wife, Bonnie.  Stopped at a party on the way home.  Nice start to the holiday weekend.

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