Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rock Springs Run

One of six deer I saw this morning. Half between the parking lot and the launch. It had been a while, May 19, since I made a visit to Wekiwa Springs State Park on a weekday morning. So, I made the effort. Kayak on the car, ready to go. Woke up at 5:30. Tried to go back to sleep, thoughts of kayaking and work, kayaking thoughts much better, 6:30, got out of bed, 7:15 was rolling the yak down the wooden boardwalk at Wekiwa Springs State Park. Where I saw a deer between the boardwalk and the restrooms. It walked away, as I picked up the camera. I then saw there were also 2 bucks. 3 deer, a steady platform, and all I could get was this.

On the water at 7:20.

No wildlife photos from the short paddle down the Wekiva, which is unusual.  I think I deleted a fuzzy blue heron.  On to Rock Springs Run.

I don't know if its because I haven't been paddling Rock Springs Run much lately, or I'm getting old and weak, but the current seemed faster than usual. My arms are sore as I compose at 10 PM. Getting stuck on a sandbar was welcome to grab a sip of water. And see a buck.

There were two, the second was grazing, out of the frame. I took three photos from my stopped position, but as soon as I moved, the bucks did to, across the Run.
Last year, I often saw two bucks in the same area.  I looked at a photo.  The antler spread on both was wider.  Then again, this guy is still in velvet and the should grow, and may spread.- Or do they?

I saw a photo from Sunday, courtesy of Joanne B., showing kayakers portaging over and through a downed tree.  It has been cleared.  Just up Run of the swift, curvy area. I think. There were 2 other spots with fresh looking saw marks.

 I turned around at 9:05. A little bit past the big pine tree. This is the big pine.

 The turkey was a Big Buck Camp.

The usual RSR scenic shots.

I think this is where the downed tree was.  Thank to whoever cleared it. My guess is the folks from Kings Landing.
The sixth deer of the day was on the other side of the Run.  I missed the photo op as it ran deeper into the woods.

I like this picture.

 No one on the water until I was almost back to the Wekiva River.

Lots of people as I approached the landing.  The Spring lawn dotted with yellow shirts.  Seminole County PAL.   A gaggle of boys asked the launch asked what I saw. "Alligators and six deer"  "Six deer? my dad would be in heaven"

It's not heaven, its kayaking.

I did not swim in the spring, opting instead to head home to shower before work.


  1. Looks like it is deer time again at Rock Springs Run or maybe it is better to go when there is no crowd. Nice pic of the buck.(this was my first comment but hit Publish too fast)

    You said that you were in the water at 7:20, that is awesome!!!!!! Is that a benefit of the annual pass or they open earlier in the summer? I thought they open at 8AM.

  2. Luis, I emailed you with the answer.


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