Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wekiva River and Blackwater Creek

I kayaked the Wekiva River today from Katie's Landing, downstream to Blackwater Creek, then up Blackwater to my high ground/break/bear crossing spot.  And back. I began at 12:45. After work.  I had a half day on Tuesday if you recall.  If you don't, go to the prior post, Haulover Canal.

Kayaking never gets dull.  Every time out I see something I have not seen before.  That something this trip involves the alligator above.   I will get to it in due course.

There were four cars at Katie's, two probably belonged to people fishing from the bank.  The Wekiva was almost empty.

Of people, that is. I was not able to get photos of a pair of soaring swallowtail kites.

Maturing moorhen

First gator of the afternoon.

 This time of year, more alligators are seen in the water, than on the banks. Its cooler.
 The same osprey kept taking off and landing.
Adult moorhen

Adult great blue heron

Young great blue heron

The gator above and below had no problem being tailed by a kayak.

Eight minute later, I heard a noise.  Large animal noise.  Deer? I paddled around a bend. Heard a gator's jaws snap shut, just behind a rising ibis.  Greedy gator. It opened its mouth again, a turtle was already inside.  A big turtle.  That would have been the photo of the year.   Its the alligator in the opening photo, and here.

It kept its mouth closed.
Saw two boats. Both stopped. One fishing, the other a group just hanging out.  Just past one of the few on bank gators.
And just before the entrance to Blackwater Creek.

Gator activity in Blackwater Creek.

Got to the high point in forty minutes. Did not stop, turned around.

Back to the Wekiva.  I let a slow moving, old motor, nosiy pontoon boat get out of sight before I followed up River.

A perfect afternoon, weather wise. Mostly cloudy, so that kept it "cool".  No rain-until I got home.

The fourth and last boat of the day was one of the old Wekiva Haven rental motor boats.  I saw no human powered craft.

 Likely the same yellow crowned night heron.  It was in the same spot.

Landed at five past six.

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