Saturday, August 20, 2011

Haulover Canal

After a very strenous paddle Friday on Juniper Creek Friday, I don't recall my arms ever being so sore after a three hour trip, I needed something easy after work today, Saturday, August 20, 2011.   Checked the weather report of Titusville, FL. 40% of rain, high 90.  Marine forecast, light chop on the Intracoastal waterway.  I was off to Haulover Canal.

A pod of manatees in the Indian River just off the launch area as I arrived.  I was in the water at 1:40.

Usual destinatin, Mullet Head Island.

Winter may be coming early up north this year.  Saw the first white pelicans of the season.
I should say, first in Florida of the "winter" season.  Saw on Lake Butte des Morts while driving from Milwaukee to Lake Katherine a couple weeks ago.

 The osprey in the opening pic, getting ready for its closeup.

Quite a gathering of white pelicans.

The puny (relatively speaking) brown pelican flew away. 

No roseatee spoonbills today. Headed back towards the Canal, 4 or so dolphins in the middle of the boat channel. No boats, so I got to watch for a while.


I headed to the channel south of the Canal, and past it, to a dead end canal where manatees are sometimes found.  None today.

Into the channel, and back to Haulover Canal.

 The great egret is at Bairs Cove.  Usually home to manatees. But not today.  Would have been a perfect day to watch manatees.  No boats launching and landing during the few minutes I looked and listened  for manatees.
I did see a couple maatees traverseing the Canal.  No pics.
 Drawbridge gear. Can't see that from a car.
 The tri colored heron was on the back side of the egert, snowy and great, perch.

Paddled through the gap on the north side of the Canal. than back in the Canal at the eastenmost cut, and into Mosquito Lagoon.  North, past the first island, into the sheltered area, than back to Haulover Canal.  Passing a fishing boat, a huge silver fish leaped out of the water.  A tarpon.  The angler lost it.  Seeing it explode out of the Canal may have been the highlight of the afternoon.

Cheked out Bairs Cove again, no manatees. None at the Manatee Overlook, either.  I did spot another in the Canal.  Back to the launch site, I hung around, hoping to see another manatee, or dolphin. I was in luck, as a dolphin surfaced.  I followed it east, the way I had just come.  Hoped it would stop to feed at "Dolphin Cove"  It did not.  I turned back. Got a nice osprey closeup.

Landed at 4:45.
A final note for visitors to the Merrit Island National Refuge.


  1. We ran into about 20 manatees in Apollo Beach yesterday. Quite a site as they kept circling our yaks and flipping upside down.

  2. If someone ran into me, I'd flip them, too.:)

  3. Those were some nice pics Master Dave. My wife already told me that she wants to go back there ASAP.

  4. Thanks, Luis Looking forward to the wife's pics.


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