Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lake Katherine, Day 3

Sunrise over Lake Katherine,Thursday, August 4, 2011.  The sun comes up early in Northern Wisconsin. 5:50 am.
Day lilies open to the sunrise.

I went back inside. Lay down on the couch that was my bed for 20 minutes, then said, "who am I kidding?" and was in the Kestrel at 6:30.

Setting course for the Hazelhurst Canal.

The noisy golden retriever was still at the Lake Tomahawk end, joined by two calm mastiff looking dogs. Maybe pit bulls.

Quiet morning on Lake Tomahawk.  I wanted to find the channel to Lake Minocqua.  I knew it was on my left, how far, I was not sure.

I saw a fleet of moored sailboats and thought that might be the south end of the Tomahawk Thoroughfare, the channel linking Lake Tomahawk and Lake Minocqua.  A bridge, too.  It turned out to be a summer camp.

I turned out to be along way from the Thoroughfare. I circled a couple islands, wondering what the log structure above is for, passed back under the foot bridge as the breakfast rang and the young lady campers crossed from what must be the lodging section to the eating quarters of the camp.

Just before the Lake Katherine end of the canal, there is a small downed birch tree. I was momentarily stuck, when I heard a noise on my left. Deer. It ran up the hill before I could get a photo. Back on Lake Katherine.

No longer the glassy surface at daybreak.

 Canadian geese.
 Back to the cabin at 9:20
Time for a second, larger breakfast with the later risers. Then a walk to the Bearskin Trail with Monica.

If you don't see the picnic table, the sign in the other side of the trail informs you of its presence.

We walked the opposite way than I did Wednesday. Then back to the Lake. Where Anna and Jack perfected their log rolling skills.

An even match.

They took to the paddleboard like
And while there may have been one or two, "Don't push me!" neither snapped.
Can't beat the smile of a boy with a fish.
I have never seen a chipmunk in Florida.

About this time, Pat, Eileen, Megan, and Jack left.  But brother Pete joined us.  And we went to see our friends the Gardners, on Lake Tomahawk.

The canoe is aptly named.  The Gardner family has six girls and one boy. Compared to my family with five boys and two girls.  Well, no longer "boys" and "girls" but you know what I mean.
I had not seen the boy, Tom, since I joined him camping in the Ocala National Forest, on December 30, 2004. We paddled the Gardner Gal many times in the 1970's.  It was great to see him, even though he had a wrap on his hamstring and painkillers in his system. Ripped it, watersking. It's tough keeping up with the nephews.

Pete and Aidan went out with Eileen's boys.  Sorry, I forgot their names.  Pete took the last two photos.
Perhaps as I was seeing eagles fly by.

Nancy and I set out to look for more eagles.

We did not see any as we paddled from the cottages at Dohlun's Point to the Indian Mounds Campground, where the Gardners had a site for the overflow at the two cottages.
Or did we see some?  5 days, and lots of activity later, the days Up North are running together.
The view down the hill from the cottages.  A road goes down part way, so my Mom did not have to walk to far.  She's walked enough in 85 years.  This is  her kind of place. Used to be a Catholic Retreat.
Back at our place, Pete and I went out.

Pete brought his kayak.  A short paddle, while the coals in the Weber got hot.
Landed at 8:50.  Another full day, Up North.


  1. Wow that sunrise photo is amazing.

  2. Awesome Dave! Thank you for posting a nice summary. It was great to see you too...and all the Cannnons! Maybe I'll just stick to paddling as my watersport...the hammy is slow to heal.

  3. Thank you both.
    Octo, more sunrise photos are posted for your, and other's enjoyment.

    Tom, we need to meet halfway for a long kayaking weekend sometime.

  4. i would like that dave....apalachacola?


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