Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cedar Key, Labor Day Weekend, 2011, Day One

If you are wondering where I have been, the answer is Cedar Key. In a condo without Internet access. How quaint. I am composing this Tale, Saturday, September 3, 2011. I will, or have, as you are reading this, cut, paste, and publish when I get home Tuesday.

I rose at 4 am, and thought, may as well start the weekend. As usual when I visit Cedar Key, I stopped at the Wacasassa River boat ramp in Levy County. In the water at 7:10

Would have been in a minute or to earlier, but I recognized some folks and walked over to say hi. Seeing manatee protectors Diane and Tracy was a sign of things to come.

Tide was in, the Waccassa high as I paddled up River to the confluence with the Wekiva River. The “other” Wekiva, as I call it. Of course, talking later to the only paddler I saw, he had never heard of the Wekiva north of Orlando.

Also saw a black crowned night heron. Darn kingfisher chased it off before I got a photo. Speaking of black, the Wacasassa, and the Wekiva were much darker than I recall them being Memorial Day Saturday, my last visit. All I can do is rely on my memory, as I can’t look at the Yak Tale from May to see how the water looked without.... wait, I can look at the photos.

Above is how it looked Memorial weekend Saturday.

Hmm. cant see much difference.

But I still think a summer’s worth of rain has made both rivers darker.

The deep water, and incoming tide, had me thinking, if lucky, I might see a manatee.

I was very lucky. Four, maybe 5 manatees were well up the Wekiva. First time I’ve seen any on this Wekiva River. My fourth visit.

I hung with the sea elephants for ten minutes. They weren’t going anywhere, I wanted to move on.

This log has been my turnaround point. Today, I went under it. So much for my high water theory. But, I could not fit under the next branch, so I turned around at 8:45.

Able to push through the above tangle.

After I left the launch, I saw three people. Two anglers in a motorized canoe. They passed me on the way up the Wekiva, I passed them when they stopped to fish. Just before I saw the manatees.

Fewer manatees on the way down river, Three. The other third human, a kayaker coming up stream, said one swam past him, down the Wekiva. I never saw Diane, Tracy and the two folks they were with. Maybe they went downstream. Or up the Wacassasa instead of the Wekiva.

I returned to the Wacasassa, and paddled up it for 30 minutes.

 Eastern black swallowtail

The condo might not have the ‘net, but it has a pamphlet on Florida wildflowers and butterflies.

Landed at 11:15. The kayaker was there, he saw the manatee group, and said it was the most he had ever seen on the Wekiva.

I always enjoy paddling the Wacasassa and “other” Wekiva. Un crowded, scenic, a nice way start a Cedar Key weekend.

I made the 31 mile drive to Cedar Key. A roseate spoonbill flew by as I crossed the Number 4 Channel. The first of four bridges crossed to reach the City of Cedar Key. I am staying at the Old Fenimore Mill.

My view.
It’s higher priced than the other places I’ve stayed, Nature’s Landing and Park Place, but the extra 20 over Park Place, 5 over Nature’s Landing is worth it for the location. Right on the Gulf, and, right on the channel to the Back Bayou. My unit is the corner building, I’m in the center of 3 units. Second best unit in the complex

The inside.

Saw a dolphin as I checked out the view. I have never been closer to the water. Not only is the building the last one one the Gulf, the entire complex is. No neighbors to my left, north. The view is east/southeast. The Crystal River nuke plant looms across the water.

Speaking of water, that is the only bad thing about this place. It smells terrible. From every tap. I’ve been using ice, the icemaker was full. Making new ice now, I hope. I’ll see how it turns out. Haven’t had the chance to ask the management about it yet, or a neighbor.

More views, first two from the balcony, last from the kayak. Launched into the Gulf, 35-40 yards from where my car is parked under the unit. In the water at 2:50. Set course for Aestna Otie Key.

Water a bit choppy, but it is forecast to get worse (and did, as I type on Sunday) Few boats out. Just one other paddler. I wanted to paddle inside Aestna Otie, out of the wind and waves.

Tide was to low to do much inner key paddling.

Old Fennimore Mill

My unit

Side view means I was in the channel

Flasher at the Nature’s Landing dock.

Never seen a night heron do it.  Immature yellow crowned.

Nature’s Landing Condos. Stayed there in April '10. Kayak launching only at high tide.

As contrasted with Old Fennimore, where one can land on the channel side- tide in here,
Or the Gulf side, giving you an idea of the distance from shore to building

Crystal RivernNuclear plant from the balcony

Rosette spoonbills from same

That’s it for day one. Cooked in. Steak, potato, corn on the cob. In bed before 10. The log advised sunrise from the balcony is nice.

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