Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chassahowitzka River

Paddled the Chassahowitzka River today, Sunday, September 11, 2011.  And Baird Creek and Crawford Creek.   I was thinking staying close to home, and kayaking Rock Springs Run.  Better to do that some Sunday when the Packers are playing, so I can yak and back the Pack.
 So, I drove 90 miles to Chassahowitzka, launching from the Chassawhowitzka River Campground at 9:35
 Went into the cove where manatees sometimes visit.   One was there.  Resting.  I counted to 100 between surfacings.  I left.
 Entering Baird Creek.

Entering the run to "The Crack" spring, at the back of Baird Blue Spring.

Anywhere there is a spring, there is limestone.

 Back to the Chassahwoitzka.  As usual, I went to the right of the three islands.  No boats, more birds.

It was foggy as I drove west in the morning.  As the Chass was a last minute decision, I had not checked the forecast.   Turned out hot and sunny.

The opening photo, looking at Dog Island on the right, taken at 11:51, is where I turned around.

 And paddled up Crawford Creek

Back to the Chas.

 River front real estate

Not many paddlers.  I saw a group coming down the Chas as I re-entered from Baird Creek at the start of the day.  And a few more at the end of the day.   I was  able to avoid power boats by going into Baird and Crawford Creeks.  Plus, the Chass is wide, but shallow, so stay out of the marked channel and motor boats aren't an issue.

Landed at 3:30. A nice 6 hours on the water.

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