Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lakes Maitland, Nina and Minnehaha

Immature bald eagle under an osprey nest, Lake Maitland, Thursday. Hoped to see the bioluminescence at Haulover Canal yesterday, but rain put the kibosh on that. Dinner at Dixie Crossroads was nice.

I saw something special this morning on the way to Fort Maitland Park. Waiting for a break in the rush hour traffic on 17-92, a Smart car, painted Green and Gold, with a cheese wedge bigger than the car, on the roof, went by. I gave it a thumbs up, the driver honked. Go Pack Go!

As I continue this Tale, Saturday, the Packers still have the best record in the NFL ;).  Back to Thursday morning, I launched at 8:45.

    I kind of wish this great egret was not where it was.  Because, when I came around a bend, the eagle, which had left the tree with the osprey nest a few moments before, took off.   I had planned on a short, easy paddle.   But seeing the eagle land on a tree on another point in the distance, I had to paddle past the Minnehaha canal to try for another photo.  Teased me again, taking off just as I got in camera range.  This time, to far for me to follow on a work day.
    So, back to the canal.
     Into Lake Minnehaha
    I thought the above anhinga had a crab.  Closer observation shows its a wad of cloth or string, or something.  Hope she's able to get it off.
     Wood ducks
    Shared the lake with a fisherman.
    Back to Lake Maitland.

Landed at 10:45.

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