Friday, September 23, 2011

Rock Springs Run

Worked half a day today, Friday, September 23, 2011. First day of fall, according to the calendar. 145th or so day of summer heat, humidity and afternoon thunderstorms in Central Florida.

Got on the water at 2:10.  Delayed by two things, one good one bad.  The good,  chatting with a guy from St. Pete, who having to drive to Orlando for business, or was it take his wife to the airport, I forget, the bad, the cotter pins on my cart falling off.  Seems like the ones I got at the hardware store don't fit like the originals one which I lost on my last visit to Wekiwa Springs State Park,  on August 17.  Lost another today.  How I could not see it when I retraced my steps is beyond me.  Retraced twice, once about half way back, then all the way to the car to get the spare pins.  All I can figure is it got buried in the dirt as I dragged the wheel-less axle for a few feet, making a nice furrow.

Black swallowtails on Rock Springs Run.

I encountered 9 other kayaks and canoes as I paddled up Rock Springs Run. 

End of summer growth is very thick along the Run.

I paddled past the camp sites,  the last three canoes headed to one, loaded with gear.  They advised of downed trees ahead.  Either I did not paddle far enough up Run, or they were refereeing to trees that have been down for years, and aren't a hazard to navigation.  Unless you don't know where they are.  Here is the view looking up Rock Springs Run at 4:23, when I turned around.
Paddling down the Run.

 I mentioned thunder storms at the top of the Tale.  Got dark, lots of thunder, no rain where I was.  Cleared a bit, before getting overcast again.

Near Big Buck, I could hear something walking through the woods. Hidden by low, thick growth. Deer? Bear? After a while, I could not hear it. But a little while later, I saw what had to be what had been making the noise.

Four deer.  First a deer and a yearling.  Followed by a young buck, antlers just emerging, than another small doe.

What I assume was the first small doe came back the other way, pursued by the young buck.  The second small doe followed, a few moments later.  Mom, the large doe was not seen, letting the kids have their fun.

Its a shame when No Trespassing signs have to be chained so people don't steal them.

Keeping knuckleheads off this tree.

Landed at 6:50.    On a historic day.  Brewers clinch the Central!  Got to see the game as they were playing the Marlins.  And Fox Sports Florida kept the post game show running late until the Cubs, the Cubs! beat the Cardinals.

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