Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rock Springs Run

This week's pre-work paddle took me to Wekiwa Springs State Park.  Into the Wekiva River at 7:40.

Down the Wekiva, 15-20 minutes to Rock Springs Run.

 I can't get a picture of a buck that was staring at me, yet I get a shot of a flighty belted kingfisher.  Go figure.

I better photo of a Big Buck.  Campsite.  My turn around point at 9:15.

The green kayak is a friend's, that I've been storing in my garage.

Wilderness Systems Pungo, 12 footer.  My 13 foot Riot Voyager turns better than it, this tracks better.  Both turn better then my 14 foot Wilderness Tsunami, but that tracks better than the shorter one.  All about trade offs.

RSR was flowing fast, I still feel it in my arms as I compose this Tale 12 hours later.

Saw an otter near the sand/mud bar.  Which is being overtaken by vegetation. 

 Six other paddlers.  On land, the Park was busy for a September school day.  On weekdays, I wheel the yak up the hill, than at the restrooms, instead of continuing up the dirt hill, I take the concrete sidewalk overlooking the Springs, to a wooden boardwalk, and up the boardwalk.  A smoother path.  On weekends, I don't want to block folks on the path.  With as shorter kayak, I did not have to lift the yak over the rail at the sidewalk/boardwalk intersection, as I do with my kayaks.  I just had to lift the front end and turn it.  

The Spring was refreshing, as always.   To bad by the time I walked up to the bath house to change for work, I was sweating again.  Good thing I work in T-shirt and shorts.


  1. What a pristine lime kayak!

    Oh yeah, and a handful of decent photos too, I guess... :)

  2. I have the same Wilderness Systems kayak, only orange. I love it, mostly because I can carry it by myself.

  3. Yeah, I love it too (I was just busting Dave's chops because he told me it was "just fine" when I asked how it fared Thursday :)...) But since you have one, can you tell me the secret to carrying it? I have a tough time and it seems to have a very strange weight distribution, so I can't figure out the best way, to not only carry it, but get it up on shoulder with the least effort. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

  4. I've never tried to heft it onto my shoulder. I usually just grab it on the side of the cockpit, where it's padded for your knees to rest, and balance it on my hip. Of course, now I'll probably go outside and see if I can get it on top of the car. Maybe I am strong, like bull. Wish me luck.


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