Sunday, October 9, 2011

Econfina River

, Sunday morning, October 9. 2011, last day for Tom and I at Econfina River State Park.  I got up for a paddle.  Took Tom's kayak off my car, then carried mine to the launch.  In the water at 7:40.  Tom had requested I not wake him.  Not intentionally, anyway.  He said my snoring kept him up the night before. A Cannon, snoring?  Unheard of. (my mother and sisters-in-law shake their heads)

 Yellow crowned night herons.  Adult above, juvenile, below.

Like Friday afternoon, I was paddling at low tide.  Unlike Friday, I paddled down River.

The wind was at my back. Drizzled a bit to.  I can't complained.  Over 5 and a half inches fell on my home Saturday. I picked the right weekend to be out of town.
I turned back at 8:30 looking at this tower. Wonder if it marks the mouth of the Ecofina.  The first photo of this Tale is looking to the left of the marker.
 A reminder I was in no hurry to get home.  Packer game not until 8.

 I landed at 9:08.
Tom landed at 9:30.  He said he went down river first, then up, until it got too shallow.  He saw an alligator.
Check out was 11:00 am.  Tom left before me, I was out at 10:45.  Never saw our landlord.   I was going to paddle the Aucilla River, having seen a launch site at the Highway 98 bridge.  But, it began to rain as I left.  So, I headed towards home.  Thinking of stopping at Fanning Springs State Park, and paddling the Suwannee River.  Light rain, so I kept going.  Maybe the Silver River?  Nope, a deluge as I approached Ocala.   So, no kayaking stop on the way home.  Which turned out to be ok, as I got home in plenty of time for the Brewer game.  In my heart, I knew they won on Friday, but I did not know, if you know what I mean. 

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