Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blackwater Creek, Seminole State Forest

A big thank you to Joanne B.  Could not have paddled Blackwater Creek this afternoon, Wednesday, November 2, 2011 without her help.  She gave me the correct combination to the gate. The Florida Forest Service gave me, and everyone else, the wrong combo. Some people, like Joanne, received an email with the correct numbers.  I did not.  Luckily, I had mentioned to Joanne I was going to Blackwater Creek today, and she sent me the combination.
In the water at 2:10. My half day for November.  I'll work a half day Saturday.  Picked this week to do it to take advantage of the end of daylight savings.
I saw a lot of alligators.  Some not for long.  Alligators on Blackwater Creek must be part kingfisher.  They don't stay still very long.  The first gator of the day was in her usual spot.  Near the Florida Trail campsite, just down Creek of the launch and bridge.  I say "her" because I've seen little ones nearby

A pleasant afternoon, partly cloudy, high 70's.

  If alligators make you nervous, Blackwater Creek may not be for you.

There are big gators on Blackwater Creek.  Those are the ones that quickly dive off the bank.  That's how they got big. Survivors.

This is the biggest gator I was able to catch before it, like most of the others, fled in terror as I approached.
 Just up Creek from a spot where I sometimes take a break.  Not today.

 This downed tree is a 30 minute slow paddle past the high ground.  It may be possible to paddle around, through the cypress knees, the Creek is fairly high.  Or, on the right it looks like there are loose branches that perhaps can be lifter aside.  Did not have time today, so I turned around.  Should start an hour early Saturday, I'll let you know if I make it through. It was 4:20 when I began paddling up Blackwater Creek.
And saw a deer.

I saw an otter, earlier, but was unable to get a photo.  Alligators, deer, otter.  Not bad.  But, I'm greedy. Wanted to see a bear.

The only downside to the afternoon was the mosquitoes. Liberal application of Off! or is it Cutter? kept them off me.

Birds see, but not pictured, red shouldered hawk, and turkeys.

I was almost back to the launch when I heard something moving in the forest on my left.  Steady, deliberate movement.  I looked, and saw, a bear! Snapped a quick photo.
It may be somewhere in the above photo.  Here it is.
Five minutes from the launch.

 The launch site is on a point. I paddled past, hoping the bear might be seen again on the other side.  No such luck.  Landed at 6:20.   A biker pedaled by, the only person I saw.  Quickly loaded, to get away from the mosquitoes.

My last visit to the Forest, in June, this area was undergoing invasive species removal.  A burn, and heavy machinery tore apart the landscape.   You'd never know it now.

Bear Pond.  No bruins seen here.


  1. Beautiful trip, you have seen very big gators Dave.
    And..... a lot other wildlife super.

  2. Wow, I'm glad you mentioned you were going! Poor Donna, she was mortified the wrong code had gone out and I know she didn't mean to overlook you.

    So glad you got a bear picture. Excellent pictures all.

    The big gators on Blackwater are very well behaved, and I'm glad.

  3. Nice, can't wait for Sunday... Did you move the tree out of the yak path? Third to last picture is tops!!

  4. Stephanie, I'll know after Saturday if you'll need to bring a chain saw.

    As far as your favorite photo, the "Super Vivid" setting works wonders


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