Monday, December 26, 2011

Goodbye, Key West

And Geiger Key.  I told Monica I'd take her kayaking.  Andy told be he could set up a trip, getting a boat to transport out to "the lakes"  At no charge.  I declined, not wanting to spend that much time on get away day.  We did wind up spending time at Re-Cycle.  I needed a new bike odometer.  I had lost mine, last Sunday, at De Leon Springs.  I found it, after that paddle.  Under the car.  Must have fallen out, then, I ran it over.  Nice to have a nephew who is part owner of a bike shop.  Turns out the day after Christmas is the busiest day of the year.  Lots of rentals.  Re-Cycle, soon to be renamed We-Cycle, not only rents no speed cruisers, but very nice Bianchi road bikes.  I asked Evan if part of the rush was re-assembling bikes that were under Christmas trees.  No, rentals are big on this day.   But there were other shoppers and folks getting bike worked on.  I had no problem waiting while my odometer was expertly installed. Booght a water bottle, too.  We then headed to Monica's freinds, Mimi and Simon, on Geiger Key.  They weren't home, their daugher was, for Christmas.  We put the kayaks into the Atlantic at 11:35

Geiger Key is located just south of Big Coppit Key. Like No Name Key, it is not on the Overseas Highway, so it is a little more remote.

 Hooded mergansers, female
This was the second time I've kayaked Geiger Key with my sister.  The first time we went into a channel that goes under the bridge linking Geiger to Big Coppitt. Into a lake like area on the back side of the Boca Chica Naval Air Station.  This time, three kayakers were coming out, on an outgoing tide.  Monica said, why don't we just paddle along the shore.

Good idea.

We came to the channel above, and turned around.

We were on the Ocean, but because of the reef, no big waves.

Landed at 12:50.  A short, 95 minute paddle.
 Kinda hard carrying the yaks through the tropical foliage. I kid.

Stopped at the Geiger Key Marina for lunch.  Gotta love the sense of humor.
I thought this was a ziploc bag.  A man-of -war
Lunch views.

Seafood enchilada.
Monica thought my camera would not get the mangrove snapper just off the deck.  She was right.  But it did pick up the sheepshead, which I had not even noticed.
The Marina has kayak rentals. The launch is a  cut in the concrete seawall. I would not want to launch here. Push off a steep, narrow, concrete ramp.  No margin for error. Deep water if you tip. But, if you don't know someone with oceanfront property.....
I've read there is a place off the road where you can launch.  Where it is, I don't know.
Headed home across the Seven Mile Bridge.  This ends a nice period where every other week since mid November I've had an extended weekend kayaking adventure.  I work Monday, Jan 2, so no 3 day weekend. But, just half a day, at time and a half for the 4 hours I work, normal pay for the 4 hours I paddle.  Before watching the Rose Bowl.


  1. I love the keys. Thanks for sharing!

    Happy new year, and look forward to more 2012 kayak tales.

  2. You're welcome. I still have one more Tale to go for 2011. From whereever I go, Saturday.


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