Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve from Key West

I'm going to start off by being un-kind on Christmas Eve.  Why oh why do the "geniuses" you design blogger make it so easy to delete entire posts?  As I've  written before, it has to be something with the "CTRL" key, hit by mistake when I meant to use the "SHIFT" key.  Real smart, putting the self destruct next to a key that is struck at least once a sentence.  I was a third of the way around No Name Key, linking this Map when it all disappeared.  So, here we go again.
Merry Christmas Eve from No Name Key. I'm going to depart from my usual chronological order to begin the Tale, hitting the highlights of the day.

This is what I call a White Christmas.
Snowy egrets.

I look much better in the dark.  At the No Name Pub, post paddle.  Asked when the money is removed, having read that at Cabbage Key, which also has a "Dollar Bill Wall" fallen bills are given to charity, the reply  "Never, people want to come back and see their money"

Next time, I'll know to staple both sides, not the center.  "Yak Dave" is on the left hand side of the greenback.  I could not, well maybe I could have asked politely, but as I was taking the photo a family was being seated at the table with my bill, I did not  ask them to wait while I got the stapler at the bar and redid my handiwork.  Of course, this way will make it easier to remove my next visit. 
I've been to Cabbage Key.  Via cigarette boat.  Shocking, I know.

My Mom will be happy to know I got to church. At least a parking lot.  I hoped for even a better photo.  With this doe and a buck.  Almost got the buck killed.  It tan off across the street,  thankfully no cars were coming.
Sunset through the car window

My sister's block goes all out with Christmas lights.   Now, back to the start of the day.  Woke up, looked at the clock, 4:30.  As long as my eyes are open I may as well get going.  On the road at 5:15.  Other then dense pre-dawn fog, the best drive to Key West I've had in a long time.  Not once did I find myself saying, "Come on, come on, drive the speed limit a......" Two gas stops, topping off at 3.17 a gallon in the Upper Keys.  3.45-3.50 in Key West.  Arrived on Big Pine Key, took a right off the Overseas Highway.  Cars pulled over.  5 key deer on someones lawn.  I kept going, sure I 'd see more later.   Crossed the bridge to No Name Key As I approached the end of Watson Blvd., and the launch site, two crossed the road.  I wanted to photo these , but they disappeared into the mangroves when I got to the spot. I drove to the end of the road, pulled off, carried the yak about 20 yards to the water and was on my way at 11:56.
The cormorant laden dock is on the left of the put in.  I went right.
Are the deer on No Name Key attending my sister's yoga classes ?

Five in this little herd.

The popular, mangrove on the edge of the Key, shot.

Bahia Honda bridge.

Wonder if the Bahia Shrine Circus ever performed on Bahia Honda Key.

It is in this shallow area that I saw two bucks walking across the bay on Thanksgiving Saturday, 2009.  As seen on the Florida Scenic Highways website.  The first photo in the gallery
is mine.

I'm at the point in this Tale where I lost it over an hour ago.
 See the sea grass?

Look at the map again.  The second of the three bays was full of wading birds. Great egrets, snowy egrets, yellow crowned night herons, ibis.  Unfortunately for me, they flew away when I got close. Which wasn't too close, as the water level was too low.

I know its been 15 years since my sister and family lived on Cudjoe, but, anyone recognize this boat?

Bridge over the Bogie Channel, separtating Big Pine and No Name Key. Don't know if its name for WWII U-boats, or 1 over par, or the  movie, Key Largo.  Which has one of my favorite lines. I forget if its Edward G. Robinson, or his partner who says, "We're a couple of guys from Milwaukee here for the fishing"

 Snowy ergets kept taking off and landing. Let me get in flight photos

Two more Key deer,

I wondered why this one was rubbing its head on a branch. Make that his head.  Mini antler nubs.

Another deer.

 The dock just before the launch site.
Landed just past four.  A buck crossed the road as I loaded the kayak.  I called my sister, and as no family events were planned for Christmas Eve, I decided to stop at the No Name Pub.  Which, despite the name, is on the Big Pine Key side of the Bogie Channel.

I had conch chowder, conch fritters and a couple beers. Bought smoked fish dip, yellow tail today, thinking it would be perfect for Christmas Day's Bagel Brunch at my sister's.

The outside of No Name Pub.   Saw another deer as I drove towards U.S. 1, then three in church parking lot.

Here's the buck that darted across the road.  I saw 22 Key deer on the afternoon.

Sunset from the car.  Moving car.

 Got to Monica's just as she was leaving to sing at her church. I'm sure she was wonderful.  I took pictures of
the neighborhood Christmas lights.

Santa would have no problem finding this block.


  1. Merry X-mas mr dave,always enjoy your tales. Keep up the great work and enjoy the new year.

  2. Thank you both, Merry Christmas to you and all Yak Tales readers. And picture looker at'ers.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.