Saturday, December 3, 2011

Rock Springs Run

Went to Wekiwa Springs State Park after work today, Saturday, December 3, 2011.  A line of 4 cars and a motorcycle at the gate.  I was worried it was going to be crowded.  It wasn't.  Lots of  empty parking spaces as I drove to the kayak launch parking area.  Wheeled the kayak down the hill and was on the water at 5 to 1.
 Saw the turtles, so went over to take a picture.  On closer observation, a small alligator shared the log.

 There were many more ibis on this tree.  At the edge of the lagoon before the Wekiva River narrows.
 Great blue heron
Red shouldered hawk
Approaching Rock Springs Run.

Eastern swallowtails among the asters.

 Tri colored heron

Blue heron

I was trying to focus on a belted kingfisher. when a buck bounded to my right.  Unable to photo either, even though the buck stood on the edge of the woods for a while, head and antlers visible.
 I turned around just after 3 PM.    Shortly after encountering the most traffic of the day.  2 kayakers, then another pair, then 3.  I let them get down Run before I turned around.

I slowly drifted down Rock Springs Run

I paddled quickly for a while, after passing 2 of the groups I encountered earlier, taking a break at the Big Buck campsite.   Then I stopped, as they hurried past me.  Probably had to get to the takeout to get transported back to Kings Landing.  Not needed by me, paddling up Run and down.


 Looking at theBare Trees I was reminded of a song I haven't heard in a long time. Enjoy.

Landed at five past 5.  After getting the yak on the car, made a slow drive to Sand Lake, looking for deer.  Saw a mini-herd of 6.  Too dark for photos.

1 comment:

  1. Another quality paddle at Rock Springs Run. The place is truly amazing.


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