Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hillsborough River

An unusual day on the Hillsborogh River.  I saw more deer, 5, than alligators, 3. Also unusual in that I did not go home.  Last night, I decided to put $50 in Priceline and see what Captain Kirk could find me in St. Pete Beach. Why St. Pete Beach?  Close to Fort DeSoto, where I will go tomorrow, Sunday. No four star at that price, no 3 1/2 *, 3 star bingo.  I'm at the Sirata Beach Resort.  Street, and Boca Ciega Bay, view.
Walk around the 3rd floor balcony for the Gulf view.
Looking at the building from the beach.
Now that the scene has been set, let's go back to the start of the day.  Early start as usual on Saturday.  I was worried the gate to Trout Creek Park might not be open.  It was. Several early morning runners in the main lot ahead of me.  That is where you pay the $2.00 entry fee.  No cars in the lot at the kayak launch.
Underway at 6:57.

Two spoonbills in the dawn's early light.

It's been a cool start to the New Year in Central Florida, I wore pants all week.  Today's forecast was low 70's.  Cool in the morning, I had a windbreaker over the t-shirt.

I saw the first four deer before seeing the buck in the opening photo.  All does. No photos.

Time stamp on the buck photo is 7:58.  Seeing 5 deer made me glad I rolled out of the rack at 4:30 am.

This was one of a gang of squirrels in this tree.
Arrived at Morris Bridge, and Morris Bridge Park, at 8:40. Did not stop.

I rarely have one squirrel pic, much less two. But I liked how this was was getting a drink.  And, I hoped for the action gator shot.  Still hoping.

This great blue heron is swallowing a fish.

Saw an otter run on the bank, and enter the River. Didn't catch it with the camera.

A short time later, I was able to capture an otter. One of two, feeding, along with a great egret and great blue heron.  Look's like a good fishing spot, I said to the first person I saw on the Hillsborogh River.  9:18 am. I had the River to myself for over two hours.

 First turtle of the day. I hoped the many Hillsborough River alligators would soon come out..

I saw eight other boats on the up River paddle to Sargent Park.

 Pileated woodpecker. It's been a while since I've got a pic of one of these carpenters.

Arriving at Sargent Park, 10:15.  Took  a break then, and now.   A short break, as I family was getting ready to launch their canoes and I wanted to get out ahead of them.  I was ready to go, but then a guy I had passed on the way up, who landed after me, launched. I waited for him to get down the canal before I set out.  Let let me have a few more bites of my ham and cheese sandwich.
Sargeant Park is at the cofluence of the Hillsborogh, left, and Flint Rivers, right.
Did not paddle up either today, as I wanted to save time for a bike ride and hopefully, a walk on the beach at the hotel.

 More turtles. Surely, alligators would be showing themselves.
There were lots and lots of ibis,

On the Hillsborough, I often get the coveted 2 different critters on one frame shot.

Although, sometimes, its merely a reflection.

 Low winter water level reveals the Hillsbourgh's true nature as a spring fed river.

 Two for one. Anhinga and great blue heron.

 Another 2 for 1. Great egret and ibis.

 Anhinga with ibis.

Here's the 2 for I was waiting for. First alligator of the day.

 3 for 1. Same alligator, turtle, anhinga.

 Pie billed grebe.
 Picked up a hitchhiker.  Anyone know what it is?  Other than, "a moth or butterfly"


 I wondered were all the gators were.  Closer inspection proved the above was a logator.
 Not many people on the River.  More paddling upstream than down, which is rare.   I passed Morris Bridge about 2 pm, and figured I'd have the rest of the way to myself.  But, a pair of canoers who stopped there entered just as I came by.  I paddled hard to pass, and get some distance ahead.

Actual alligator.

 Lots of wading birds in the marsh like area at Nature's Classroom.

And vultures in the trees.

My proximity did not faze this beauty at all.

Just the third alligator of the day. I guess 5 days with lows in the 30's and 40's put them in semi hibernation mood.

Landed just past 2:00.  Using the dock I made disparaging comments about when it was first built.  I like it.  Rollers, nicely sloped.  Just grab the railings and pull yourself up.
Put the kayak on the car, took the trail bike off.

 I did not know the offroad trail met the paved Flatwoods Loop so soon.  On earlier rides, I took a loop off the main trail.

Bridge crossing Trout Creek

I've ridden the trails 3  or 4 times before. I never saw anyone.  Not so today. Bikers, runners, dog walkers.  I think my prior rides were in the summer heat.

Over the Hillsbourgh River locks.     A five mile ride.
 Next, a 45 mile drive to St. Pete Beach. I chose it for its proximity to Fort De Soto.  Found the hotel, checked in, got situated, and went to see the sunset.
 Any place that rents kayaks is ok in my book.
 Looking north.
And east
But the west view is best.

I walked south, towards the Don Cesar.

That would be the big pink building.

St Pete Beach bills itself as the "Sunset Capital of Florida"  Other locales may differ, but St. Pete Beach got former Governor, Charlie Crist, to name it so.  And he is well qualified.  Not because he was Governor, but he had the best tan this side of George Hamilton.

My room is a standard hotel room, no cooking facilities, just a refrigerator and coffee maker. On the drive in, I noticed a Publix grocery store a few blocks away.  Perfect location, as it is across the street from this public beach access.
I picked up a six pack of Leinenkugels and some chips and salsa. 15 minutes, and I was back on the beach.

I had dinner at the hotel restaurant

I had a coupon for a free drink, and as a hotel guest, got 10% off the bill.  Which helped make up for the $8 parking and $10 internet fee. So, my $50 room was 68 bucks. Not bad, but a shame when naming your own price, Priceline won't let you filter for things like free parking and internet.  But, now I know to where to start the bidding for a 4 star hotel next time.


  1. It looks like your butterfly/moth critter is a white peacock butterfly. :)

  2. Man, you always get the best sunset photos!

    Nice roseate spoonbill(s) too. I see them when I paddle over at New Smyrna, but can never seem to get a photo of them.

  3. Octohawk, I get spoonbills,at a distance, at Haulover Canal, Mullett Head Island, but the Hillsborough is the place for closeups.


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