Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina and, Minnehaha

Paddled about two hours before going into work at 12:30 today, Wednesday, January 11, 2012.  Just working this schedule two days this month.   I may not kayak the other, as I scheduled it after my monthly 4 hour work day.  On which I will, of course, kayak in the afternoon. Thinking of a Crystal River manatee excursion.  But, that's in two weeks.  This morning, I launched from Fort Maitland Park at 8:48 am.

As always on these lakes, I was greeted by anhingas.

Wood ducks and osprey, Lake Nina.

Through the canal to Lake Minnehaha.

Overcast and drizzling.  Rain stopped, the wind picked  up as a cold front moved in.

Just one other boat on the water, a fisherman leaving Lake Minnehaha as I entered.

Lake Minnehaha ahingas.

And a moorhen.

 And a great egret.
Back in the canal.

Back to Lake Maitland.
Windy and choppy on the larger lake, so I headed towards Fort Maitland Park.  Saw a blue heron across the way, and thought, by the time I paddle over there for a photo, it will fly away.  But then, there were four, so I paddled across the narrow bay.  After all, the only GBH photo I had so far is barely visible, in flight in the second photo.

 Of course, there was another anhnga.
Now, I paddled back to the launch, past the condos, and, what is that, an eagle?   Too bad I was aiming the camera at the wrong branch.  See the opening photo of this Tale.  Before I could adjust, it flew away.

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