Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

A quick paddle on the neighborhood lakes this morning, between waiting for the roofer to get his final check and getting to work at 12:30.  The not having to work nights thing lasted about a month.
 Set out from Fort Maitland Park just after 10.

This limpkin was making quite a racket.  I thought,  I bet a lot of people, even visitors to Florida who only visit the beaches and theme parks, have never heard a limpkin's cry.

Lake Nina turtle.

Perhaps this limpkin, in Lake Minnehaha, is the one the Lake Maitland limpkin was calling.
Green heron couple.

I forgot my watch, so paddled fast, and cut off some angles on my trip around Lake Minnehaha.  Remember, I had to be at work later on.
The limpkin's call worked.

Landed at 11:15.   And now, just two days to a three day weekend in North Florida Spring Country.  Found this place    A nice base for three days on the Ichtucknee, Santa Fe, Suwanne Rivers and assorted springs.

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