Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rock Springs Run

After traveling far from home last weekend, this Saturday I stayed put.  Went to Wekiwa Springs State Park and did something I had not done since January 29, 2011   Paddled as far as I could up Rock Springs Run.  Underway at 7:25.

Paddled down the Wekiva to Rock Springs Run,, began the up Run paddle at 7:45.

Other than a couple camping at Otter Camp, I saw no one until 10 am. Only one deer. Three alligators. The only gator photos.

Leaving State Park waters, 10:50.

Looking up the canal to Kings Landing,   11:00. The launch site for people coming downstream.  I encountered about 25 vessels after my blissful start.  A few things I noticed about the website.  It is confused as to what days it is open.   It no longer has a story about the "Emerald Cut", the area up Run of Kings Landing. OK by me.  And, Dave's Yak Tales has more visitors.

Did not make it to the Kelly Park bridge. Not even to the "Third Landing"   I could have tried to muscle my way over this, but it was 11:10, I had been paddling for over 3.5 hours, and my muscles weren't feeling very muscular.  So, I turned around.
This is new, It was a construction site the last time I made it this far.  Seems to be about where a broken down shack used to be.

One of my best in flight swallowtail kite photos. In fact, the best.
Reentering the waters of Wekiwa Springs State Park, 11:30.   I timed my day almost perfectly. I let a family in two canoes pass me, after that, I had most of the down Run paddle to myself.
Stopped at my usual spot when I go this far.  And I mean spot. Not a lot of room on this island, unless you want to bushwhack. But, I like it, as its hard to find.  I see why I missed at on the way up.  Blocked on one side.
So, after a sandwich, I went down the other.

A nice day.  A few sprinkles on the up Run paddle, cleared up as morning turned to afternoon.

 Not only was this great blue heron doing the wing drying thing, it was also doing the throat wobbling thing.  Seen mostly, by me,  when cormorants do it. Seen by friends of Joanne B., on Fbook

I had noticed this bench  on the way up stream, just down Run from Big Buck Camp, and thought, why have I not noticed this before?  I mean I've only gone past it 100 or so times. Made a note to stop on the way down.  Once again perfect timing.  A large group- four boats was preparing to leave Big Buck after taking a break.  So, my break let them get down stream.

The bench is a rest stop on the main hiking trail. I'm wondering if some vegetation was recently cleared, does not look like it, or I've just missed it for seven years.

I took my time going down the Run, letting the family that had stopped at Big Buck get farther downstream.  Out of noise range.  Did the same thing at Otter Camp, where the family that I let pass me earlier was getting back in the water after their break.  Two pairs of kayakers passed me.  I saw one otter, moving much faster than I was.
Entering the Wekiva River, 3:40.  It was packed.  Made me appreciate my early start.

Only turtles on the log where turtles and alligators, little ones, have been my last few visits.   Landed at 5 past 4.  8.5 hours, plus, on the water.

With the early start and days getting longer, plenty of time for a land based adventure.  Biked to Sand Lake.

Apopka Sportsmen Club Monument.  The Club owned most of the land that became Wekiwa Springs State Park.

Both the walk, and ride were short, but my legs were shot.  That's what happens when you are on your butt for 8 hours. 
Two deer crossed the road on the return ride.
Got one.  Two more deer, off the road just before the road to Sand Lake meets the main Park road.  I would have missed them, but one did the snort thing deer do, so I stopped.

Ended the day with a snorkel in the Spring.  Which, at 6:20 PM, was near empty.  The camera battery ran out when trying to take a photo of a second turtle. Its a good day when you spend 11 hours in the Real Florida and drain two batteries.

The day ended on a good note.  As I dried off, a young man walked by, hands full of bottles and cans.  I figured he was just cleaning up after his group.  After he put some of the trash in the bin, he went and picked up more.  When he came back, I opened the lid, saying it was the least I could do. (I had fished four items out of the water while paddling). He put in some of the items, keeping the plastic bottles, saying these go in the recycle bin.  Which the Park has.  He inspired me to go out of my way and pick up a few things. 


  1. I have seen the bench a couple of times. I do think that you are usually busy seeing deer in this area. That is why you did not see the bench before. :)

  2. Yeah, that's it. Darn deer must have blocked my view.


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