Friday, April 27, 2012

Ashley and Arlo Day One

I have just returned from the wonderful wedding weekend of my eldest nephew, Arlo, to my newest niece, Ashley.   A good time was had by all.  That is, if you like a welcome reception aboard a retired Coast Guard cutter, now a museum, sailing out to the Gulf Stream aboard a three masted ship, a heartfelt wedding ceremony on the White Street Pier, the sun breaking through as the couple exchanged vows and rings, the latter delivered by their loyal dog, a reception high above Duval Street.
All my siblings made it, 7 of us in all, plus, of course, the grooms maternal Grammy, more cousins and a great Aunt.  Plus, we got the meet Ashley's family, who are, of course, great folks.  And I got the kayak in the water all  3 days.   Only drawback, unable to get on line to post any photos or text.  So, over the next few days, stay tuned as I tell the Tale.

As you may have surmised by some of the venues named above, the wedding was in Key West.  Brother Pete sent me this, before I left work Thursday afternoon.
Why anyone would order anything but a Loose Cannon is beyond my comprehension.  Pete lets his photos do the talking, so it was not until I saw him Friday that I learned this was taken during a layover in Atlanta.  The beer is brewed in Baltimore. Where there are many Loose Cannons.  Cousins.

I left work, and drove down to Pembroke Pines.  Brother Pat and 3/5 of his family were there.  So long as they were, I thought it better for me to drive there Thursday, spend the night, and have a shorter drive Friday.   Pembroke Pines is due west of Hollywood, FL.  The hotel was just off the Sawgrass Toll, I-75.   I arrived just as my brother, family and business associates were headed out for dinner.  I joined them, although I was not very hungry.  A gas station in Ft. Pierce had a McDonald's attached to it. I have not ate at McDonald's, other than  a handful of fries, in over 20 years.  I was about to see what the gas station had spinning on the rollers, when I thought, I should honor a nephew who could not make it.  Tyler runs the night shift at a McDonald's.  At least until this fall when he goes back to school.   So, I had double cheeseburger and some nuggets.
This is from The Pub, in Pembroke Pines.

I tried to send it to Pete, but was not able to.  Below are photos from the Grand Palms Golf Resort, taken Friday morning, which I was able to send.
Now, for the rest of the weekend.  I woke my nephew Derek, after I had already had breakfast.  He is a night owl, but,  as he was driving down to Key West with me,  he had to adjust to Uncle Dave Time.
He served as photographer as we drove.
Long Key bridge?
I know the next one is the Seven Mile Bridge.
My plan was to kayak No Name Key, then have lunch at the No Name Pub.  But, we arrived at the No Name Pub after 1 PM, so dined first.
I figured we'd walk in, order, eat and walk out.  Not so fast. There was a waiting list.   I did not have to wait my last visit.  Then I remembered. That was Christmas Eve.  Eventually we got a seat at the bar.
And look  what was on the post in front of our stools.  Not our Ashley, but a nice sign.
I did not ask the people seated in front of where I had place my dollar on Christmas Eve to move so I could make sure it was still there.
I had conch chowder.  Needs more heat.  Spice.
And a Cuban.
Pricey, $11.50, and not pressed.  Probably to big to do so.  Meats an inch thick. Photo taken after I ate half.  Derek had the shrimp basket.
Or was it a dinner?  Baskets don't come with salad.
Lunch done, we drove to the end of Watson Road.
Parked the car, walked to the water.  Looked choppy.  So we got back in the car and headed back to the other end of the Key.  Water there had looked much smoother.  Had a delay.
We got to launch site #2, just before the bridge to Big Pine Key. I had Derek strike the Captain Morgan pose, and, at 2:45, we were in the water.

I don't recall seeing this picnic table on No Name Key before.
Old Bahia Honda bridge.
I learned it served as a jumping platform for Derek and his cousins.  Not from the top.
Other than cormorants, great egrets were the dominant specie this afternoon.
White birds on the day before a wedding.  Symbolic, I'd say.
Back to, and under the bridge linking No Name Key to Big Pine Key.
The pilings looked like they had new wrappings, or at least paint.  Checking the Yak Tale archives, they looked like this the other two times I paddled under the bridge.
Landed at 4:20,  a nice 90 minute paddle.  Last Key deer on the drive out of Big Pine.
Look below the blue rope.
4:45, plenty of time to get to the welcome party aboard the USCGC Ingham at 6:30.  I thought we'd stop by the mother of the groom, say hi, probably see Mom/Grammy, too.  Good think we did, as a somewhat frazzled sister was just leaving.  I was to drive Mom to the ship.  I had thought I as just taking her back afterwords.  It all worked out, Elena came for her Grandma, Derek and I showered, before heading to the party.
I was surprised anyone was at the Parrot, but tonight's event was for relatives and out of town guests, so the locals had to go somewhere.

Prepare to be boarded!
I rely on my NOAA radio, but has the NOAA ship, or is it ark? need to dock in front of the setting sun.   Renowned poet, and friend,Stuart Krimko in the foreground.  Sand Paper Press is one of Arlo's many endeavors.
With apologies to my beautiful sister-in-law, Jackie, here is some of the family. Behind Jackie, green dress, niece, Becky.  To her right, her fiancee, Aaron. I was meeting Aaron for the first time.  Their wedding is in three weeks.  I told the couple they had my blessing.  Aaron wiped is brow and said , "Whew!"    He'll fit in. Facing them, brother Chris, Becky's Dad.  Behind Chris, brother in law, Larry, and cousin in law, Hannah.  Spouse of Charlie, seated with their daughter, Liza.  I'm sorry if I'm not spelling it correctly. Charlie's Mom, my Aunt Carol, making headlines, and my Mom.
You never know when a photo opportunity will present it self.  Coming out of the head, I said, "Hey, Arlo!"
My sister Clare, nephews/brothers Evan and Arlo.  Someone said Evan prepared the meal.  I asked him before we ate.  He said he'd take credit if it was good. It was.  Cuban style pork, black beans and rice, Cuban bread, yucca, plantains, and flan.
Before making Mom walk the plank, I had to get he picture with one more cannon.  I took her to Monica's then headed to the Santa Maria Suites, where both Chris and Clare said I could stay with them.  When I arrived, Derek had already claimed the hide-a-bed at the "California Cannons", so I stayed with the "New Jersey Fox-Cannons".   The former had beer in the fridge, so I had one with them before turning in.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful family time; memories for everyone to cherish always. I believe your entire family is just as nice as you, Dave.

    I'm so happy the weather cooperated for the weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the pictures when you post them.

    Wishing all the best in life to the newlyweds.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.