Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

Wednesday morning paddle.   The above could be a mutli sport event photo.  Tri moor.

The usual launch at Fort Maitland Park, at 8:45.
Lake Nina turtle.

Lake Nina green heron.  Loyal readers ask, "If you are in Lake Nina, where's the bridge photo?"  I was thinking of work, where I'll kayak this weekend, upcoming family weddings in Key West and Tiburon, CA, and I passed under the covered bridge without taking a picture.
Osprey thinks, "Man, I wish I had hands"

Approaching Dog Island, Lake Maitland.
It was a relatively busy morning, with more kayakers and paddle boarders, 7, plus me, than motor boats.
Landed at 10:45.   Two paddle boarders landed before me.  And left their boards at the landing area while one went to get the car.  The other asked me if they were in the way.  They weren't but this is one of my pet peeves.  If the Lake were at summer levels, they would be in the way.  Now, there is more room as the low level exposes more shoreline.  I think it common courtesy to get your vessel out of the way as soon as possible.  As in, as soon as you are out of the water, pick it up, and carry it to where you intend to load it on your car.  Or at least out of the immediate launch area. 

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