Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rock Springs Run

Thought I'd try getting a video on first, and hopefully it will be downloaded by my bedtime.  I saw five deer on Rock Springs Run this morning, Wednesday, April 4, 2012.  Woke at 6:40, a bit tired, but thought , I'll get a good paddle in. Then, its April, and I don't have the gate combination.  Then, I remembered I got March and April's codes in March.  So, off to Wekiwa Springs State Park.
On the water at 7:40.

A pair of swallowtail kites circled high above Rock Springs Run.  They appeared to land.  I came around a bend, and there they were.  But first.
One of two deer.
Now, the kites.
I was getting wood duck pics like I was on Lake Minnehaha.  Well, maybe not that many. Saw another deer.  And another, that you can see, and did, in the opening video.
The view up Run at my turn back point, just past Big Buck Camp, 10:25 am.
And now, several down Run views.

I saw a fifth deer, on my right, as I came down stream.  I lifted the camera, it bounded away.  I pressed the shutter, missed it.. I scared it away. Or had I?

A medium sized alligator was in the deers intended path.  That photo did not turn out either, but I posted it anyway.

Saw three paddlers as I neared the Wekiva, more on the River.

The great egret has a snack in its beak.
Maybe the last survivor of the baby gators on the log in the lagoon?
I landed at 10:50.
Pretty crowded for a Wednesday. Easter break.

A refreshing post yak swim in Wekiwa Spring.  Better than a shower before heading to work.
If you planned your Easter Sunday around church, brunch, and reading Dave's Yak Tales while licking the chocolate off your fingers, you'll have to wait until late Sunday for Saturday's Tale.  I'll be camping in the Seminole State Forest.


  1. The heron on the log in the morning fog was seriously one of the best photos you've ever taken! Could be a magazine cover.

  2. Love your pictures as always. Amazing, but looking at your photos makes me feel a pang of homesickness for my favorite creek--and you know how often I paddle there. Love it.
    Have a great weekend. Big bear Sunday morning.


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