Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rock Springs Run

Happy Earth Day.  Although I've lived in Florida since 1989, I'll always be a Wisconsinite at heart.  I'm proud to be from the State that Gaylord Nelson , Aldo Leopold and John Muir called home.

Here in Florida, a lake wind advisory was forecast, beginning at noon.  So, instead of driving 50 miles or so to Alexander Creek, I drove 12, in a drizzle, to Wekiwa Springs State Park.  Arrived about 7:50, 4 or 5 cars lined up, waiting to get in.  Polite folks, they left the gate unblocked.  So, I was able to open it, and drive in.
On the water at 8:06. No longer raining.
Ibis and immature blue heron along Rock Springs Run.
The stems supporting the leaves on the surface must be thick.  This alligator was having a hard time hiding from me.

The shorter limpkin may be a growing chick.  Or, just a small adult.

The sky cleared, then cloudy, then partly cloudy.  But, no rain. 
The view looking up Rock Springs Run, where it narrows, up stream of Big Buck Camp.  I took a picture of another juvenile blue heron.

 And turned around.
Saw one deer.  From its size, and the way it concentrated on eating, I think if I see it again, I'll see two.

 Other than campers at the Otter Camp site, I saw nobody for over 3 hours.

Eventually, 9 kayaks and canoes as I neared the Wekiva River.
Tooth marks on the shell?

Alligator Action!    Blogger is useless for posting videos, so, welcome to my FB page.
To my delight, even the Wekiva River, near the State Park, was not very busy.  For a Sunday.
Landed at 12:25. Carted the kayak up the hill, secured it to the car, and went to the little museum in Wekiwa Springs State Park.  Hoping to find information about the Bio Blitz.  Like the list of the over 1500 species identified last weekend.  One of the two volunteers knew nothing about it.  The other said he recalled seeing an item in the paper.  The museum is run by the Wekiva Wilderness Trust, a different organization from the Friends of the Wekiva, the group that put on the Blitz, and Saturday's events at Katie's Landing.  I think they need to get together, and at least tack the list of species on the wall of the small museum.   And at the kiosk at Katie's Landing, and at the trailheads in the Seminole State Forest, and at Kelly Park, and.....
Speaking of trailheads.

I went for a walk
Red bellied woodpecker.
I continued to Sand Lake.

Nothing like getting to your destination, sitting down, and taking a picture of an alligator.

The trail goes next to the Park Road for a bit.  A root filled section, tough footing, so I walked on the road for a short time.

I don't think I've seen a red mushroom before.
More red. Lichen on tree.
Back to the Spring after a 90 minute, 4 mile, walk.  With a couple rest stops, as I'm a fat, old man.

Nice to have access to the fountain of youth.
Best of all, there were not to many youths in the fountain.  Other than at the main spring vent. So, I just filmed minnows

Another fine Florida day.  Programming note.  I'll probably do the Lake Maitland-Minnehaha paddle Wednesday.  Than Friday, actually Thursday night, stopping overnight in Miami, its down to Key West to see the last of the Key West nieces and nephews get married. Actually, Arlo is the first, age wise, they got married in reverse chronological order.  So, lots of wildlife, that is, family photos.  Fortunately, my family gets better looking each generation.  My siblings married well.


  1. Great post, Dave. We also ignored the forecast and had a great day on the Wekiwa. Katie's Landing was a great recommendation. Definitely will be returning there soon. This coming Saturday, we're doing the Indian River, launching at JB's Fish Camp.

  2. Thanks, Eric.
    This is just my personel philosophy/preference, but when there are private and public launches in close proximity, I use the public one. As the private landowner would not have such a nice spot if the land and water were not a public park. That's why I aways launch at the Canaveral National Seashore. And, on occassion, stop at JB's for dinner and a cocktail on the way home.

  3. Hi Dave,

    We did the Rock Springs Run 21 April..

    And Silver Springs

    Was great, inspired by you're Blog...

    Thanks for that !!

    Rick and Mandy

  4. Dave, I've been lurking around your blog for a while, admiring your sense of adventure, wisdom and photos. I finally went out on the water with my boyfriend and it was instant love. My guy has a single seater that I can use when I want but I'm considering investing in a double so I can take the kids/ grandson out. Any advice for a novice that's looking to buy second hand?

    To Eric- I was out kayaking at JB's Saturday, too! It was beautiful! (Didn't want to leave) :)

  5. I ended up launching at Canaveral Nat'l Seashore, lot 7. Dave strikes again - excellent recommendation. Awesome day on the water!

    My two favorite photos from the trip:

    3 Manatees just off the launch

    My boat :)

  6. Eric, your boat sure is nice! Looks like a peaceful place to check out!

  7. Any advice for a novice that's looking to buy second hand?

    Wendy, my advice is to seek until you find. Want ads, Craig's List, rental outfitters turning the fleet over,sporting goods and paddling retailers. All my kayaks were bought used. The first, found on a site in Ocala, can't recall the name, just google used boats ocala. The next, bought used at Sandy Point Prorgessive Sports in Daytona Beach SHores, the last, bought from the rental concession at Captain Hiram's in Sebastain.

  8. Rick, just looked at your Rock Springs Run report. I can't read Dutch, but the photos are the universal language of beautiful.

    Or, should I say, "mooi"?

  9. Thanks for the advice, Dave. I've been eyeing Craigslist and have seen several for sale at reasonable prices (compared to brand new). I'll keep doing my homework while I'm saving.


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