Tuesday, April 17, 2012

St. Johns and St. Francis Dead River

Tuesday was my half work day for April.  I'll work the other half, Saturday. Here's a thread on how I wound up at Ed Stone Park. Posted on the Green Wave Forum, in response to a question posed by a new kayaker on places to paddle.
I was surprised at how many trailers were in the parking lot on weekday.  But, only having been here once before, I could be normal, or even fewer than usual.  I headed down the short canal to the St Johns at 2:20. Turned right, paddled down River.

One the southeastern edge of the Ocala National Forest

A good breeze was as my back. Fine for soaring osprey.
And red shouldered hawk.
I think. I got a photo of a flying  hawk. Maybe it was this, or maybe one that will appear in a bit.

As I did my last, and first visit, I followed the Lake County Paddling Trail
A good afternoon for flying birds.
Perhaps this is the hawk.
Anhinga diving.
A woman on the roof of the houseboat thought she was in a secluded spot. on the St. Francis River. Naked as a jaybird.  So, I got a close up.
Gotcha!  A few stokes of a paint brush could correct the name on the houseboat from Holly Bluff Marina to Holly's Buff
Back to PG topics, I think there was one other boat on the St. Francis.  I'm writing a day later, and tend to forget things.

St Francis Trail overlook.
Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge.
End of the St Francis Dead River.

Cormorant takes off. 

I was having a good afternoon for catching birds in flight, great blue heron, here.
I stopped at the St. Francis Trail overlook. Here is an excellent description, from the Florida Hikes ! site. 
I only walked for as long as it took to eat a pear.
Back to the St Johns

Swallowtail kite.

Limestone and shell studded bank.
St. Johns Marina, just outside Ed Stone Park.  Kind of a run down looking operation.  A river front restaurant that appears to be closed.  Nice place to buy when I win the lottery.
Landed at 7:25.
Got the kayak on the car and took a few sunset photos.
I was not on a high bluff, but this quote from "Cross Creek"  is a fine way to end this Tale.
"If I could have, to hold forever, one brief place of time and beauty, I think I might choose the night on the high lonely bank above the St. Johns River," Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings


  1. Just one thing to say...Bravo!!!!

  2. Hey, I'm that new kayaker you replied to in the forum. Really enjoying reading your blog posts!

  3. Thank you both. Eric, my earlier Tales tend to have more directions, and so on, then more recent ones.

  4. Thank you, Ramona. Is this by chance my cubicle neighbor?


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