Monday, May 21, 2012

Rock Springs Run

Best way to avoid jet lag? Don't work the day after a cross country trip.  I wanted to sleep in, after going to bed at 4:00 am Monday.  Door bell rang at 10:30 or so, I ignored it, but got out of bed.

Wekiwa Springs State Park was busy for a Monday. Guess school's out.  Why is this guy stopping ?  Oh, turkeys. Reached for the camera.  Left at home, so I went home to get it.
On the water at 1:30.

The crowd thinned, and was no more, as I paddled up Rock Springs Run.

A barred owl and no problem with a nearby kayaker.

Swallow tail kite

Turned back, 3:45.

I took a break at the Big Buck campsite.  The only campsite on RSR with a picnic table, in addition to benches.  But, the table is broken.   Sagging at one end.  I think someone tried to drag it, and some nails came out, causing it to tilt.

I walked back to the kayak, singing. This song  for some reason. The wedding band did play Don't Stop Believing.  "Lights" would have been a good song to end the show.  I did not stay until the very end  Hopefully the hiker setting up his camera did not hear me.  A visitor from Atlanta, first time at Wekiwa Springs State Park.
I've never seen deer at any of the campsites. Until today. This young buck was one of two deer at Indian Mound.

This gator is good sized,  9 feet, easy.

Landed at 6:25, having added a cooler and couple of beer cans to my load.

Just missed a deer, here.
With the camera, not the car.

Walk around Sand Lake
As I finish this Tale, just before heading to work Wednesday, I'm thinking of where to spend the upcoming 3 day weekend. Maybe Sanibel, maybe Ceder Key, maybe someplace else.


  1. Thanks for picking up the cooler and beer cans.

  2. You're welcome. The cans were down Run of the sandbar, left side. I only picked up the ones I could reach without getting out of the kayak. Several were still there. The cooler was on the Wekiva.


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