Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wekiva River and Blackwater Creek

Back from another wonderful afternoon-early evening in the kayak.  Katies Landing as busy when I arrived after work.  Lots of long sleek racing kayaks.  I asked one gentlemen if there was a race or they all just happened to be there with fancy schmancy kayaks.  There had been a race.  "Had" perfect timing for me.  I found the race website looks like the real race is tomorrow. Katies to Wekiva Springs to the St Johns back to Katies.  Quite the paddle.
 I was on the water just past one pm.  Checked out the shallow, marsh like area on the west side of the River for birds and whatever else I might see. Glossy ibis, ibis, snowy egret, blue heron in one frame.  I'd call that a good start.

Out to the River.

A pretty good wind was blowing out of the east, the Wekiva flows northeast to the St. Johns River, so , it was mostly in my face.  But, the current was with me, and I'd have the wind at my back on the return.

After leaving the launch site, I saw no kayaks.  A motor boat came behind me, but turned back at Wekiva Haven.

 Two deer on the right bank.  I thought, this is the best deer sighting I've ever had on the Lower Wekiva. Until I remembered the deer crossing I saw in November, 2010.   Today is the best full bodied photo.  Maybe, but I don't feel like going through the archives.

3 pics of the same GBH. I like the assorted poses.

I was in paddler heaven. Weather almost perfect,  cool for May in Central Florida, mid eighties, humidity bearable, birds, gators, deer, no one on the water...of course, that's when an engine spoiled my reviere.  Not one, but four motorboats.   They slowed to pass.  Soon after they stopped to do whatever motor boaters do when they stop in the River.  Not fishing, which is what two boats anchored at the mouth of Blackwater Creek were doing.   I began to head up the Creek.

I failed to get the photos of a lot of alligators. Big ones, but agile. As was a deer that ran through the forest on my right.
I paddled past my usual turn around spot.
Days are getting longer, so I figured even with a 1 pm start, I could paddle for 3 hours before turning back.
That's 3 hours from Katies Landing.  I paddled an hour up Blackwater Creek.  Missed a deer shot.  Standing on the bank, almost in front of me.  It turned around as I fumbled with the camera.
I'm not even sure if the light brown shape with two pointy things that look like ears is the deer.  Turn around view, 4:02 PM

10 minute break at the usual spot

Return to the Wekiva, 5:17 PM  A different fishing boat at the launch, the others had left.

The parked boaters were gone, I had the Wekiva to myself.

I returned to Katies about 10 past 7. Checked out the area across from the landing once again.

If hawks can pass on knowledge.... so long, wood ducks.
Landed at 7:25.   Met a talkative gent, Ken.  Said he owns property on the Seminole Co. side of the river, near the State Road 46 bridge, on a spring.  But, has sold it, and is moving to Costa Rica in June.
Gave me his number, said I can launch there if I want. Not sure if I'll take him up on the offer.

Poor pic of two deer from Wekiva Park Road as I headed out at 8:05.


  1. Wonderful deer shots -(all shots)! The gators are quite photogenic.

    I get kind of cranky when the motorboats pass through and especially when they hang out near the cove areas. I know it's selfish on my part but I enjoy the QUIET of the kayak.

    Heading out to the water this morning for Mothers Day, woo hoo! Happy Sunday, Dave!

  2. The opening deer pic is superb. Only the Deer Master can do it.


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