Sunday, June 24, 2012

Blackwater Creek, Seminole State Forest

It has been raining all day today, Sunday, June 24, 2012.  But, only lightly this morning.   I figured Blackwater Creek would be a good place to paddle, as chances were I would not be able to paddle very far, or long.
On the Creek at 8:40.  After asking a man fishing with his son, if we were crazy, or dedicated.
 The rain was light, so I took my poncho off.  Does not breathe at all, too hot to wear unless its pouring.

As expected, the barrier I encountered Wednesday is still there.
On Wednesday, I tried to get around on the right, but the tree extends far into a low, marshy, area. Today, I tested the depth in the center with my paddle. Not, bad, until pressure is applied and the paddle easily sinks in the soft bottom. On the left, high bank, fast drop off to a deep, soft, bottom.
I turned around.

As I did Wednesday, I paddled up Creek as far as I could.
Road block number 1
Number 2
And three.  The Creek has three forks, all dead ends on the way up stream.

The little dot at 11 o'clock may be the ripple from the only alligator I saw.

Moccasin Springs campsite

I landed at 10:55.  The rain came down a little harder, but I went for a bike ride anyway.

Got off the bike to take a look at Moccasin Springs
And the campsite
And, Blackwater Creek
Next stop, the Oaks Campsite
If you think these photos are blurry, you should have seen my glasses.

Next stop, Shark Tooth Spring.
Where someone has removed the Sensitive Area sign.
The same person who left a bottle of water?
Which, I of course picked up.   Stupid litterbug.  Get water from the tap, it comes from the same place, the Floridan Aquifer. Its cheaper, no money goes to out of state, or international corporations, and there is no waste.
Run from the spring.
Next stop.

Nothing was observed.  Well nothing, but grass, trees, and rain.

I cleared the trail back to the road
Picked up two more branches.   As I write on Monday night, there are likely a lot of new branches down.  Steady wind all day from Tropical Storm Debby.
Can't blame this on Debby. My guess, a big ass pickup, backing up.

12:30 ready to go, as the rain came pouring down.  Almost ready.  Secured the back of the kayak, and, after driving the two miles to the gate, changed into dry clothes at the Bear Lake picnic shelter.

Got a follow up email from the Forest officials who I contacted Wednesday about the downed tree.  It asked if it blocked travel. I responded, yes it did, and sent the photo I took Sunday.  I had already sent Wednesday's photo.

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