Friday, June 8, 2012


Lay over in Baltimore.
Could not pass up a Loose Cannon. Very tasty.
As were the crab cake sliders.
Prior to lunch, looks like good kayaking country. Somewhere over the Carolinas, I think.
Back on board.
The Madison gang is here to support Jan D. in the Hoosier Strength Challenge. Strongman event.
Jan picked me up at the airport. Kevin K., who broke my longstanding record as the one who has to travel the farthest, from Ketchikan, Alaska, was napping.  Others were arriving later, and playing golf. Jan and I went to the hotel, across from the Indiana State Capitol. The Convention Center, where the  competition will be, is on the other side of the Westin. Great location, but overpriced and no amenities. No fridge, no microwave, have to pay for internet in the room. I'm in the lobby. Figure its a good spot to see Oly, Mahone, Roz and Railcat when they arrive.
Whitehead (Jan), and I went for a walk.

Wildlife. No robins in my part of Florida since early March.

White River Canal

Found the kayak rentals. Haven't been in one. Yet.

An you think the economy is bad now. 1839, Indiana was bankrupt.

I did not think Publix was this far north. A little research revealed Paramount Pictures built theaters in the 1920's under the Publix name. No relation to the grocery chain based in Lakeland, Fl.

How can you not stop at a place with a giant Weber grill out front? I can't.
Despite his shirt, Jan did not have a beer.  He has a competition tomorrow.

8 PM and the golfers aren't back. Sunset is 9:15 here on the west edge of the Eastern Time Zone

It is now Sunday, an I'm back where I left off, Friday. In the lobby of the Westin.  Friday, I went out side so I'd see my buds when they came in.  It was past 9, when the phone rang. Steve R. Where was I? Where was I, where were you? In the room.  The came in a different entrance.
Not by horse and carriage.
I suggested the Weber Grill.
Tom, Kevin, Mark, Steve and Steve thought I made a good choice. Burgers had by all.  Jan, with his Strongman event the next day, did not join us.

Tom, Oly and I ended the day with drinks, soft for Oly, beers for Tom and I, in the bar at Shula's Steakhouse at the Westin.  Which is just wrong.  Don Shula, coach of the Baltimore Colts, and Miami Dolphins should not have a place in Indy.

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