Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hillsborough River

I was able to schedule myself for a half day today, and work 12:30 to 9 Thursday.  Last night, (Monday) I discovered the Sailport Waterfront Suites.  For 75 bucks a night I have a full kitchen and view of Tampa Bay.  The first light on the Courtney Campbell Causeway connecting Tampa to Clearwater.  Perfect location for me, about midway between river yaking on the Hillsborough, and saltwater paddling at Honeymoon and Caladesi State Parks to the north and Fort DeSoto to the south.  Thinking of paddling both, tomorrow.

After paddling from 2:45 to 7:20,  stop for groceries on the way, night was falling when I arrived at Sailport
Back to the Hillsborough.  Or rather the road into Trout Creek Park  Where great egrets and a woodstork enjoyed a sheen of water over the grass in an area that floods fills up after heavy rain. A bridge crosses over the spot.

I did not use the ramp, as I was unsure how sharp the drop off was.  Pushed off from the bank at 2:45.
High water kept bird life scarce.   As I write on Friday, 4 days later, I think all I did see, and here between the launch site and Nature's Classroom, were osprey.
So, I took pictures of the vultures on the relatively high bank at Natures Classroom.  Where on my last visit, I had to take the paddle apart and push a few times.  This trip, the paddle in the water test did not reach bottom.

Wading birds were not around as the river reached deep into the cypress swamp.  Tree roosters, like the above anhinga, were one of the few birds spotted.

I began to see ibis. Which have the reputation of being the first to leave before a storm an the first to return.

Limpkin.  In a tree, not foraging for clams and apple snails.

Passing Morris Bridge Park

I saw one canoe on the River, a Dad with his 2 boys.
I turned around at 5.

Looking into the waterlogged cypress swamp.

Apple snail eggs

I can't remember seeing  rabbit from the kayak before.

The river had dropped since Friday, when Luis T.  took this
Or perhaps his wife did. I want to give proper credit.

Sorry if you are not a "friend" on fb so you can see and hear the chicks.  I tried to add it on it to the Tale, but its TDS.

Osprey chicks

Back at Trout Creek Park
Trout Creek entrance. I did not go in, wanting to get to my lodging before sunset.
Which I did not make.
I thought it rather rude that someone left their kayaks on the cross beam where the hose is. Lay them against the rail fence and let others use the hose.  After I used the dock to land, and lay my kayak against the picnic table, the owner came back.  I told him if I had landed  5 minutes earlier, at least one of his kayaks would have been on the ground.  The cross is great for hosing off the yak, inside and out, then teeter tottering against the cross bar to drain the inside.

He and his partner had come down from Sergeant Park.  Somewhere on the swollen River, we must have taken different channels, as we had not seen each other. 

Another couple came to look at the River. I asked if they were locals. Not really, they were from Clearwater.  Perfect, I said, know of any grocery stores between here and the Causeway?  They said there was a Sweetbay, just a few blocks off the Dale Mabry exit.  A local grocer.  Perfect.

The waders, great egrets and great blue heron, congregated in the marshy area under the bridge.  Baring no more tropical storms, they'll be back on the River.
7:52 when I took this, the photos at the top of the Tale of my destination, 22 miles away, 8:54. Too much time spent at the grocery store.  Where I gambled, and bought a pizza.  Would complete kitchen mean there was an oven, and not just a stovetop?   Not to mention a freezer, not just an ice cube tray.
It did.

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