Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Maxanhinga

I mean, Minnehaha. But, if you are even a casual visitor to these  Tales, you know what I mean.

Before I get to the photos, I want to share something, as by the time I get home from work, 10 hours from now, it will not be as fresh in my mind.

Illegal paring paddle board chick's SUV was in its usual, illegal, spot.  I temporarily parked my car,  got the kayak off, and took it to the bank.  Bent over to pick up a piece of green foam tubing, and water bottle, to toss in  the nearby trash can.   Then I saw a pile of sandals, and realized not only is illegal parking paddle board chick (IPPC) to lazy to park her SUV where she should, she's to lazy to make the short walk to her illegally parked SUV to put her belongings inside.  I hope some of the Department of Corrections workers at Fort Maitland this morning grabbed the sandals for their own use.

When I returned IPPC and a male companion were putting the last paddle board on the roof.  I walked over, and asked how does one get a pass to park in a no parking zone. She said she does not have a pass, and was just loading.  I told her I knew that was not true, she leaves her SUV in the same spot almost every Wednesday morning.  Male companion said "On Saturday, when the lot was full, people park here all the time" It was Wednesday, and there was plenty of room in the parking lot.  They asked if they were in my way. I said no, but she should set a better example. After all, she brings people to the park and should encourage them  to follow the rules,  "You look to be in much better shape than me" I said, "you should have no problem walking from the parking lot"  Lying male companion again said."We are just loading"  "Bullshit" I replied.  Illegal parking paddle board bitch then said she has no intention of parking anywhere else. I despise rich, self-entitled people.  I'll give her a chance to see the error of her ways, but if I see the SUV illegally parked again, I'm reporting it to the City of Maitland.
If the SUV is parked where it should, she will be referred to as paddle boarding lady.
On the waters of Lake Maitland at 8:50.

Wood ducks

The whole shootin' match. 

I can count on a turtle or two on this log on Lake Nina. There were two, the second slid off before I took the picture. 

Lake Minnehaha
Great blue heron high, anhinga low.

Moor hen

Looking up at the osprey?
Guess so.

I was wondering where the limpkins were. Had high water driven them off  Eventually, I saw two.

Now,  closer views of the great egret pair.

The other limpkin
Landed a little after 10:30. You already know what happened.   When I returned home, I deleted the bad photos, wound up with 74.  Not bad for a 100 minute paddle on the neighborhood lakes.


  1. Darn!!!! So now people that cannot read are buying paddleboards too?

  2. Dave, you are becoming a real activist. Good for you, for speaking up.


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