Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 on Lake Maitland.
Underway at 9 am

Lake Nina turtles

The water level in the lakes and canal is up almost two feet since my last visit, June 6.  In the canal, an abandoned racing scull.  Wonder how that got there.

It seemed like afternoon as all of a sudden, rain came pouring out of the sky.
I thought of taking cover at a covered dock, but it was coming sideways.  I kept paddling.

Just like an afternoon shower, it was over quickly.  And the scull mystery solved.  City workers in a motorboat towing it, the owner, in a canoe, following.  She said she had lost the oar, and was having a hard time towing it with the canoe.  Later, at Fort Maitland Park, I asked the workers if she'd get a bill. "No, not the first time we've towed somebody"  They had been out replacing buoys.

Landing, 10:30.  Notice the dirt "beach"?   Exactly.  Water all the way up to the grass.

I may go to Gum Slough this weekend. A fellow kayaker had a very bad experience last weekend with airboaters.  I think like minded people need to organize to get airboats off that beautiful, secluded waterway.  They have plenty of room to ruin the day for everyone on the wide open Withlacoochee, why ruin it for those of us, and the plants and animals, that inhabit the serene Slough?  To that end, I have a FB page, Protect Gum Slough   "Like" it, add  your thoughts, maybe, together,we can keep Gum Slough peaceful and protected.


  1. If air boats were banned on Gum Slough, I would go there again. All it takes is one air boat to spoil the day for a lot of paddlers, not to mention the damage to the creek bottom and banks, and the stress on the wildlife. Lars Andsersen might be a good ally to have for this effort.

  2. Joanne, I had the same thought. I looked at the Adventure Outpost calendar Friday. A group is going to Gum Slough, Sunday. I went today. No airboats.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.