Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wekiva RIver and Blackwater Creek

I was going to kayak Rock Springs Run today, Sunday, July 22, 2012.  Even went to Wekiwa Springs State Park.  10 past 8, as I neared the entrance.  Great, I thought,  early arrivals who waiting for the Park to open at 8 should be in the Park.  But, there was a line. All the way to the street.  Two more cars after me.  No kayaks or canoes on any roof.   Was some event going on?   If there was a line a 8:10, the Park would be packed later.  I made a Y turn and headed to Katie's Landing.
Three people launching as I arrived.  They headed up River. Two more arrived as I shoved off at 8:45. That's my kind of crowd.
No "crowds" in the area across from Katie's.  Just this anhinga and a young moor hen in the gap returning to the River.

Mother hen?  If so, seems the chick is on its own.

Not sure what these are.  I assume some kind of domesticated fowl.  At Wekiva Haven.

This would have been an awesome photo. If I had the  little gator in focus.
Like this. But with the deer.  I saw the alligator first, paddled across the River for a photo, and there was the deer.

Saw a second deer. Yea! And a jet ski. Boo! At least the later was going slow.  What's the point? Trade up to a kayak.

Great blue herons on the Lower Wekiva were like anhingas on Lake Minnehaha.
Saw one more boat. A couple relaxing at red neck corner.  A shallow curve in the River not to far from Blackwater Creek.  Which I entered (above) at 10:40.

Where I was greeted by more great blue herons.

I paddled a little way beyond the usual turn around spot, an by doing so, got myself a slightly used PFD.  Just after I grabbed it, two alligators slid into the Creek.  They did a fine job of disposing the body. Speaking of alligators, shortly before I saw the first deer, I heard a low rumble.  Thunder, this early?  Heard it again.  Not a rumble, a growl.   Alligator.  Sounds like a man with a cold clearing his throat.   Several calls and responses.

Hitch hiker.  Eventually, I had to use the paddle, so the dragonfly got on board.

The usual turn around spot.  I kept going, had cold chicken in the yak.  Typical July day. Hot, so I did not want to spend time stopping to eat and paddling when it got even hotter.

Back to the Wekiva, 12:08.

So hot, gators were in the shade.

Saw two kayakers and  5 boaters.  All the latter going to fast for conditions. They did slow when they saw me.  "Slow down, you'll see a lot more"

Landed at 2 pm.   Said to the people loading the pickup, with a large ny logo on the side, "The ny must stand for New Yakker"  I then told them as a Packer fan, I respected their team.  Had a nice chance with another paddler, first time on the Wekiva.  I suggested Dave's Yak Tales as a reference.   She said she has seen it.  Nice to know.
I went for a short walk.

Just past the half mile marker, so I went just over a mile.

As I have been doing for the last few Tales, I'll sign off by asking you to "like" and comment on, and share Protect Gum Slough  one person's effort to get air boats off this beautiful creek.


  1. Hi Dave!

    We met at Katies Landing on this Sunday trip. Yes- I have seen your blog before - so i joined this time. Good stuff! You're a fab resource for yakkers in Central Florida! Thanks for doing this blog!

  2. Thank you, Ms. Unknown. Approprite name, as I did not ask what is was Sunday. Hope the wait for Mr. Unknon wasn't that much longer.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.