Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

As I picked up McDonald's wrappers at the base of a trash can, and then, from the kayak, grabbed a Gatorade bottle and stashed it behind the seat, I thought, "This means I'll see something neat this morning"   Works every time.
Under way at 8:43.

Lake Nina turtle.

Shy ibis

Quiet, as usual, on a weekday morning.

And, now, the good karma for picking up trash.

First otters I've seen in a few months.  And they stayed on the dock.  Well mostly.  One dived in, then climbed back on. The opening photo is the last one I took.  They were still on the dock when I left.
Short vid

Landed about 10:40.  Nice way to start the day.
Illegal parking paddle board chick was not there. 

Thanks to all who have signed Make Gum Slough Air Boat Free.  52 people have signed on. One of my nephews, Arlo, gets the prize for being number 50.  Not sure what the prize is.


  1. I love this, Dave:

    "As I picked up McDonald's wrappers at the base of a trash can, and then, from the kayak, grabbed a Gatorade bottle and stashed it behind the seat, I thought, "This means I'll see something neat this morning" Works every time."

  2. See, living right pays off!
    Good picture of the otters. I haven't seen one in several months; always see them more in the cooler months.

  3. Awesome otters! Thanks for taking us all along virtually with you on these great trips.


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