Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina and Minnehaha

The most scenic spot on the entire Winter Park Chain.  Part of the usual mid week morning paddle.
Underway at 8:25

Anhingas on the way to the covered bridge.

Notanhinga. Green heron.

Green heron chick. Still downy.
Young tri colored heron. The red hue turns blue.

Wood ducks

Don't quote me, but, I'm pretty sure this is the end of Howell Branch Creek

I could tell the story, again, how during my running days, I crossed the creek when it was between bridges.  Oh , what the heck.
I had a good long run this morning, with a twist. At about the 16 mile point there is a canal. It has/ had a narrow metal bridge that bikers, walkers and runners use to get across. I got there this morning and it was gone due to work on the canal. I thought of turning around, but that was uphill. I couldn't jump 20 feet, and did not think swimming was a good idea. But, I looked up, and there, like a vision, was a metal pole spanning the canal. I tested it, it held my weight, and hand over hand I crossed the canal. My upper body needs work. 2/3 of the way across I couldn't keep my feet out of the water. But I made it, just as the gators began sliding down the bank. (Just kidding). I then squished along in my wet shoes for another 5 miles

That was August 18, 2002.  Wow. 10 years since my marathon days.  Wow, 21 miles, in August. I was nuts.  Doubt that pole would hold my weight now.


Landed at 10:40. Two hours of pleasure before 8 hours of drudgery.

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