Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wekiva River

A rain shortened paddle from Katie's Landing after work today, Saturday, August 25, 2012.  Underway at 1:30.
Doesn't look to bad, but the mostly cloudy skies were short lived.
Moor hen
More moor hens. Including moor chick.
Great blue heron.
The worst of the rain fell after the ibis and before the alligator.
I was thinking of paddling to the St. Johns.  Increase the chance of seeing a manatee. I was past the illegal campsite, not yet to Blackwater Creek when I noticed reeds move in a manner inconsistent with the current.
I stopped to investigate.

With light rain, and distant thunder, manatee spotted, I turned back.  2:36 PM.

Same alligator as in the prior photos.
Different alligator.
Blue heron
Great egret. It,  and the anhinga were the only photos I got in the area across from Katie's Landing.   August is a slow season for birds in Florida.
Approaching Katie's Landing, 4:21.
The Wekiva is as high as it has been in two years.   As on Tuesday, I thought deer might be found away from the River.
So, I walked the trail to the Lower Wekiva Preserve trail head.
1.1 miles on loose sandy soil made the picnic table very welcome.  A rest, and I headed back.
I was looking right and heard a noise on my left. Deer, five. Ran away before I could get a picture.
 They were here.
Return to Katie's Landing.  Not a bad, short afternoon.  Alligators, manatee, and deer.
Yesterday wasn't bad, either.  One piece of mail in the box when I got home.  It had University of Wisconsin mail sticker, the kind that goes in the return corner, in the center of the envelope.  The return address was Recreation Resource Management, Silver Spring, Florida. What is this?. Opened it.
I won the lottery!  For the Sweetwater Cabin   I'll be there February 15 to 22.  Sure beats a root canal. Which I have scheduled for Wednesday.


  1. I like how you tucked in the monumental news about Sweetwater Cabin right at the end where I missed it until searching for information about the cabin online. So, now that I know the cabin sleeps 12, my question is- who are you taking? (wink wink)

  2. I've invited my family. 4 "maybes" so far. After that? I don't know. Bids on e-bay?


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