Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hillsborough River

The combined effects of normal summer rain, Tropical Storm Issac and the GOP peeing on the President in Tampa have the Hillsborough River I have not experienced in my seven years kayaking this River just east of Tampa.  The launch/landing normally has a significant bank/hill.
This is the landing photo.  I launched at 6:45.
Arrived at Trout Creek Park at 6 am.  Eager to start my  5 day adventure, I could not sleep.  Drove slowly, but still arrived well before opening time.   I was not the only eager one, 3 cars were behind me when a Hillsborough County employee unlocked the gate.  The others were runners, not paddlers.
I took my tine getting ready, so there would be at least a little daylight as I began.
Anticipating few wildlife photos,  I took one of these vultures.  I knew from my July 3, 2012 visit, in the wake of Tropical Storm Debbie, that I was not likely to see the diverse wildlife that makes the Hillsborough River such a great paddle.

Water over the Nature's Classroom dock.
Morris Bridge put in.
Morris Bridge
Morris Bridge fishing pier.
No one biking to the overlook today.  Many sections of the trail, a raised logging road, are underwater.
 I took advantage by paddling on the back side of the overlook.  I also decided to back it a short paddle.  The current was strong, I had been paddling up River, wildlife deep in the swamp, unseen, and I have 4 more days to paddle
Paddling in the picnic area behind the fishing dock at Morris Bridge.

Early in the paddle, flocks of ibis flew overhead.  They landed.

Orange ribbons, courtesy of Canoe Escape, I assume, were essential.  I am glad to report that every time but once, I chose the correct line.  That one time I was able to turn around and get make in the main channel.  The Hillsborogh  is flowing deep, both depth wise and width wise into the cypress swamp.  The above pic has two kayakers. Saw one more yaker and to canoes.
Had to push through this matt of dead vegetation just before Nature's Classroom.  Treated it herbicide to keep the River open is my guess.
Something other than an ibis.  Whoopee!
These rustic signs are usualy much higher. Like 6-10 feet.
Entering Trout Creek.  Before I got there, an old fashion speed boat came up the Hillsborough.  At slow speed.  One of the passengers asked if I liked birds.  Yes. There are a lot in that opening.  Meaning Trout Creek.  Probably all gone after hearing the loud old Evinrude.  I did not articulate the last thought.
The birds that had the lady so excited were ibis.
Back to the Hillsborough.
Landed at 11:50.  Launching in te dark, I had not realized how high the water was at the launch site.
Water just off the parking area.
I went for a bike ride.
Turned back at a soggy spot

It was hard to tell from mu vantage point, but the flood control gates may be all the way down.  I can not find any refernce on line, so they must be open.  If needed, the gates close, Wilderness Park floods, the City of Tampa is spared.  According to NOAA, Tampa is 10 inches above its average rainfall for the year.  Orlando, despite summer rain, 7 inches below.  At least at the airport.  At my house, I'd guess I'm about even.
Bike the dike.
And road.
But not this inundated trail.
I rode for 45 minutes. Next two photos are from the car, on the Trout Creek Park road.
This low lying area is often soggy, but I do not recall seeing it underwater.
1:20 as I left the Park. Next photo, 2:30, on Gulf Blvd. Do not remember if this was before or after I picked up the keys at an offsite location.
FZ has been dead, what, at least 10 years.  He'd get my vote. As for the person who does not like political commentary on my blog.  It is my blog. I am Dave and I will yak about whatever I please. Mostly kayaking, but also biking, hiking, camping, sports, family and the occasional social commentary.
Photo shoot at the Royal Orleans, Redington Beach, Florida, 3:00.
Sink can't hold one dinner plate.  No work surface, Whoever designed this must eat out.  Speaking of small.
Get what you pay for. Of course, no comparison where I will be tomorrow, for less.  To bad for holidays, Park Place in Cedar Key is $105. Monday and Tuesday, $58.00.
Settled in, I went to explore the neighborhood.
The Royal Orleans is across Gulf Drive from the Gulf of Mexico,  Beach front hotels won't let the hoi poli walk across their parking lots to the beach.  I found out the closest public access is a block south.  I of course, headed north.
Lots of scurrying about, bending over for shells.
The last comment applies to birds and humans
Not bad for a holiday weekend.

Oyster catchers
This pier is only for the use of guests at a hotel.  A second pier is to the north.  Also privately owned, but charges $3 to the public. $10 if you want to fish. The above pier will appear later in this Tale
Beach access closest to my lodging.
View from the beach access cross walk.
Front gate

I walked out the back gate, two blocks to a little park on Boca Ciega Bay.
Kayak launching would require lifting over a low fence and getting in a very narrow shore.
I went back to the room and fixed dinner.
Back to the beach to watch the sunset.  Walked away from it at first.
I told you the pier would be featured.
See ya.

Yellow flags are at the crosswalks in Redington Beach. It is suggested you wave it as you cross the street.  On the east coast of Florida, a yellow flag might just cause drivers to slow down.
On that note, day one of my Labor Day Holiday comes to an end.


  1. Yikes. And I thought it was high the most recent time we paddled there.

  2. Seriously, you had to gratuitously slam Republicans in your post? What do politics have to do with kayaking? Leave politics to political blogs.

  3. RobAllen, I don't know who you are, but who the heck are you to criticize what anyone writes in their blog?
    You don't like it? don't read it.
    Nobody's forcing you.

  4. Luis, I was wondring how it compared when you were there just after Debbie. I went a few days after you, back in July, and it was nowhere close to this level.

    Mr. Allen, if I wanted to slam Republicans, I would have. As I wrote, it is Dave's Yak Tales and I will yak about what I please.

    Joanne, Thank you.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.