Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rock Springs Run

Rain began to fall as I drove to Wekiwa Springs State Park Sunday morning.  I should have taken a a picture of the flock of turkeys that pecked the ground in the rain.  I had a poncho on as I unloaded the kayak and wheeled it down the hill.  Took it off when I got on the water at 8:45.  Still raining, but the thing is not breathable and is to hot to wear in a light rain.

Took a few more pics than what you see, but they are blurry thanks to the rain.
 Up Run of Big Buck, the rain stopped.
Not a big buck, a small doe came out as the rain stopped.
And an anhinga.
See how the rain has matted down her pelt?
 I turned back just after seeing the deer.  Up Run view into the tree canopied area.
Down Run view, what I call "the second open area". Where the deer I saw went for a walk/wade 
A new deer, behind the bush.  It was with the impressive doe that leads off this Tale.
I took a break at Big Buck.
The higher Run makes the trail to the campsite shorter.
Back in the kayak.
The two guys who had been camping at Indian Mound paddled up the Run.  Unusual, I thought.  People usually come down from Kings Landing, stop, camp, then go down stream and get picked up. Or paddle up Run, camp, then down to their car at either the State Park or Wekiva Island.
The campers came back.  I asked about their detour. They had gone to check on the campers at Big Buck, who they said had tipped over on Saturday. I asked it it was 3 people in a canoe. Yes.  I told them I saw them much earlier, far down stream.  That certainly was nice of them to check on their fellow campers.   And explained the rather resigned look on the canoeing trio.  I thought it was just the rain, but I suppose all their gear was soaked.
On the way up stream, in the rain, I learned butterflies don't come out in the rain. But, once the sun is out...
Oh yeah, alligators like the sun, too.
The rain really kept the crowds down on what turned into a beautiful day.
I landed at 1:05. Up the hill, kayak on, bike off the car and pedaled to Sand Lake.
Probably a good thing the hiking trail was wet, or I may have tried the 3.4 mile walk to Big Buck. After my 10 hour day Saturday, not to mention kayaking 7 of the last the last 9 days, the short walk around Sand Lake was just fine. 
Last deer of the day. I saw six, 3 on water, 3 on land.
Purty, ain't it?
Even prettier in the Spring.
Just a few people in the Spring. I love rainy mornings that turn into sunny afternoons.
If I had taken photos of the turkeys at the start of the day, I'd have bookends.
Instead, I have a preview of how the Packers opened the season.

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