Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sanibel, Sunday, September, 2012

I do not like to curse on my site, but sometimes I just have to scream FUCKING BLOGGER!
It makes no sense that making an attempt to write a capital A, and hitting the nearby CTRL instead of SHIFT causes days of work to be lost.   This happened as I was about to post the last picture of the weekend.  It has happened before.  As I have done before, I have noted my concern, but the billionaires at Google don't give a damn.    So here I am, on bleeping Thursday, starting all over.  Thanks, assholes, for having such a user unfriendly system.

Wildlife Drive, Ding Darling NWR

On the water, 9:50.


Sunday brunch cruise, I assume.



The map photo was taken later, at the fishing pier, Looking at it on Saturday, I noticed the "Observation Overlook", at the end of Wulfert Road, in the upper left corner.  Leaving Ding Darling, I went to check it out.
Fancy neighborhood on the edge of the Wildlife Refuge.
So, residents with a decal park in the mangroves?
The overlook.
A stop at the Shell Island Beach Club to see if I could get on line.  Needed a password.
If I had got on line, I would have gone to the East End Deli for a Cuban and sat by the pool.  I had stopped at the Lighthouse Cafe, to find out it closes at two in September.
So, I went to the Lazy Flamingo. Where the conch chowder was not as spicy as in the past.
French dip, and I was ready for a beach walk

Always beautiful on Sanibel.  And thanks to bleeping Blogger's poor design, which wiped out an almost finished Tale, not cluttered with my witty and insightful commentary.
Back to the miserable, non kayaking, world.


  1. I hear you Master Dave. I have been living in this miserable non kayaking world way to long. Every time I make a plan to go out something happens.

  2. Dave, I truly appreciate the effort you put into your weblog, which is a lot of effort even when google isn't making it more difficult.
    I feel like I'm traveling vicariously through your blog these days---hopefully, I'll be going further afield myself before too much longer.

  3. Dave, thanks again for the effort in spite of evil Blogger!

    Since you have repeated problems with this that blogger is obviously not going to fix, the only workaround you have to save yourself losing so much work is to type all your commentary into Notepad first, save that to your puter, then cut and paste the whole shebang into blogger when you're ready. Would that maybe help?? Hope so! I've been using that trick for years when filling out stuff online because it ain't just blogger, believe me.

  4. Luis, I hope you and Mary get back on the water soon. I, or should I say we, want to see your pictures.

    Joanne, looking forward to you getting further afield, or awater.

    Brenda, thanks for the tip. What would work for me would be loading commentary and photos on another platform, then cut and paste. I got exicted for a moment, as I can put photos on a the ABIword processsing program I have, but the pics are huge, and I can't figure out how to copy them. So, I just have to try to never use a capital A.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.