Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

Underway from Fort Maitland Park at 8:45.  The above photo, Dog Island, came later.

My usual route, east from the ramp, than north, following the contours of a small bay.
Into the canal linking the Lakes.
The usual Lake Nina turtle.
Belted kingfisher to break up the anhinga parade.

A blue bird larger. make that greater, than the belted kingfisher
Moorhen. aka candy corn bird. The nose.  Remember, you first saw it on Dave's Yak Tales.


Dog Island anhinga.

City of Maitland air boat.  It is merely obnoxious, not really frikkin obnoxious like 99.9% of these evil contraptions.

Saw one guy fishing, a couple paddle boarders.  Speaking of which
This is in the lavatory.  Seems the biking zombies from Key West are making their way north.
Always rent from WeCycle when in Key West.  Or buy, or get service.   My nephew, Evan, is one of the partners in the shop.

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